Monday, December 20, 2010

Try a different form of cardio

Good morning! It's Monday, a new week, and the new year is right around the corner. Today lets talk cardio. Last week I made a little change to my cardiovascular routine, it was really effective.

When I am in the gym I am constantly observing. I quite often notice the same people on the same machines. Most of us have our favorite form of cardio, and don't stray away from it. I want to preface that if you are getting to the gym and performing cardio, that is great, I am sooooooo proud of you! However, if you rotated a new machine in, your body will completely feel it the next day.

For my fitness goals I don't perform to much cardio, my goal is to gain muscle. I need to watch my caloric intake and make sure it isn't too low. I still need to strengthen my heart, so I incorporate some form of cardio once a week. Last week I decided to jump on the bike, I did a short, 22 minute interval routine I designed, and boy did my body feel it the next day.

It had been awhile since the last time I jumped on the stationary bicycle, so I used my muscles differently than, for instance, if I would have run on the treadmill. I was incredibly soar the following day, and I loved it!!!!!

It's the start of a new week, today, my challenge for you is to try a different cardio machine. One machine I rarely see being used is the rower. This is a great full body workout. Why don't you give it a try and see how your body feels tomorrow?

Thank you for reading and no matter what shape and size you are, always love yourself!!!


When you go to the movies bring along a healthy snack. Movie theatre snacks are loaded with calories and sodium, JUST SAY NO!!!!! I usually bring a protein bar, or a small bag of raw almonds to stop me from indulging. (p.s. go see The Fighter, Christian Bale's performance is magnificent)

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Stop the bad cycle

This month's Shape magazine cover star is Kelly Osbourne. I feel compelled to blog about her because she has overcome hurdles and is looking, and feeling, fabulous. What I liked best about this article is that she stated she was a fat girl, or called chubby, her whole she's on the cover of one of the best fitness magazines, quite an accomplishment.

Kelly has gone to rehab a few times for drug abuse. She is now sober and thinking clear. Even as a drug addict she was heavy. She blames being overweight on emotional eating. She felt so bad about herself, or when things went wrong, she went for food. She has finally found a cure, and stopped that bad cycle.

Emotional eating affects so many of us. I am not an emotional eater, however, I am an emotional person, I battle with depression, and I have learned and accepted it. I have tremendous highs......and lows. I now know when the depression bug is coming, and I have learned to break the cycle. Tuesday evening I felt it coming on, so I immediately called a friend and went out to dinner and a movie. When I'm feeling down my rule is that I get out of my apartment and be around happy, positive, friends.

If you have a problem with emotional eating (please don't feel bad admitting this, most of us do), recognize and accept it. Make a plan to deal with it, and stop your cycle. Write your plan of attack down,the next time it's coming on and your going for the fridge, look at that piece of paper and do what you promised yourself.

Thank you for reading and no matter what shape and size you are, always love yourself!!!!


When you are performing ab work remember to breathe. This is so important!!!!!! When you tighten your muscles by vacuuming out your air, it makes the exercise extremely more effective.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Notice how you feel

Today has been good. I slept well, got up early, and trained. I worked on my back and shoulders. I also incorporated a new balance exercise. While I was getting my personal training certification, I learned that with every workout you should do one exercise for balance. I have a lot of energy, which is more than I can say for yesterday.

On Tuesday night I met a few friends for dinner and had 2 glasses of red wine. For those of you whom have been reading, I'm not a big drinker, I limit myself to a few glasses of wine a week. When I woke up yesterday I had a headache and was much slower......all from two glasses of wine.

I am a health nut, most of my meals are very clean, organic, and healthy. What I realized Weds. is how the red wine made me feel the next day. When you are eating and or drinking try and notice how you feel afterwards. If you eat a big pasta dinner, later are you lethargic, tired, etc. If you eat a salad that has lean protein and some healthy fats like avocado and nuts......... how do you feel?

My point to all of this is to really try and notice how your food consumption makes you physically feel. I am positive you will start to notice that when you eat a healthy, balanced, diet you will feel good.

Thank you for reading and no matter what shape and size you are, always love yourself!!!


While you are at those fun holiday party's stay away from the food table. A recen study found that the people who were furthest away from the food and goodies ate less. Have your conversation and fun on the other side of the room!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Do things you enjoy

The week has come, and basically, gone. I was extremely busy this week, that's a good thing for me. When I have to much time on my hands is when I get off track. Throughout the week I am constantly scanning the Internet, television, and magazines for articles related to health and fitness, and even on success. While I was taking an online "test", one of the questions asked, "What in your life do you enjoy"?

I wanted to ask all of you that question. I know myself really well, and I know what my passions are, what I like to do, but do you? It really makes a big difference when you relate it to your health and fitness regimen.

If you are finding it difficult to, as an example, let's say, get to your kickboxing class.......then maybe you should dig deep in your heart and soul and find out if you enjoy it. Another class like ballet, or pilates, might be better suited for you. Do you not like going into the gym? Well, then maybe you should join a cyclist, or running club to get you outside and moving. Whatever type of health and fitness regimen you choose, please take ten minutes to really ask yourself if you like doing it, if it doesn't excite you, then try something new.

*********Now, be honest with yourself, I know exercising is hard for all of us, sometimes I don't like to get to the gym........but I don't interpret this blog to not exercise or train your body, just do a form of training that you enjoy, and that will push you.**************************************************************

Thank you for reading and no matter what shape and size you are, always love yourself!!!


A very simple way to avoid over-eating is to grab a smaller plate. Start using your salad plate as your main dinner plate, this will help you eat less.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Give yourself little rewards

Just got in from training, today was legs........boy were they shaking. I have a busy day today, my gym time was a bit shorter. Even though I didn't spend as much time in the gym, I made the 40 minutes I did have count, that's what really matters. You don't need to spend hours upon hours in the gym everyday, just use the time wisely and really push yourself.

Last night I came across a great article in this months, Women's Health. It was on motivation. In the article it stated that people had higher motivation when they set a goal, reached it, and gave themselves a reward. It makes complete sense, and I follow that with all my goals.

Rewards can be big or small, but set one regarding your health and fitness today. How about make a goal that you go to the gym 3 times a week, every week of December. This will help keep the holiday pounds from piling, and give you a head start for feeling good in 2011. Set yourself a reward now. Say to yourself at the end of the month if I do this my rewards is............ This will motivate you to reach your goal!!!

Thank you for reading and no matter what shape and size you are, always love yourself!!!


It is OK to eat chocolate. I have read numerous articles, and it's been featured on many health shows, that there are great health benefits to eating chocolate. The key is to eat dark, non processed chocolate, and to only eat a small portion (1-2 oz, or a small square).