Thursday, October 27, 2011


I am warning you....this blog will be a bit hokey...but fabulous! Last week I went to a Q & A featuring funny man actor, Josh Radnor. I love hearing successful people speak, it gives me motivation, and I believe you learn from other successful humans, regardless of their profession. What I loved hearing Mr. Radnor talk about was that he is big on meditation, he's been practicing for 8 years.

If you've been reading my blog, you know that, I too, am big on meditation. I first practice meditating every morning in my Tony Robbins, "Hour of Power", but I also find yoga a great form of meditation. I'm an over analytical thinker, and I swear to you, while I am meditating, my brain is clear and shut off. It's oh so wonderful.

So what is meditation? Honestly, it's whatever you make of it. Meditation is for you, and how you clear your mind. I've been fortunate to attend a guided mediation with my yoga instructor on our yoga retreat. I've also done the guided meditation on the iphone app. Guided meditation is when the instructor is there to tell you when to breathe and for how long to hold the breathe. Since yoga is all about breathe, it is a form of meditation.

Bottom line, meditating can be long, short, with someone, or alone. All it really is about is breathing and stilling your mind.

Thank you for reading and no matter what shape and size you are, always love yourself!!!


Our everyday lives are so stressful, please make some time today to sit, breathe, and quite your mind. Even if it's only for 5 minutes, it still helps!!!

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Wednesday, October 19, 2011


It's Weds. and most of us are halfway through our work week. I have one more client later this afternoon, then I will be relaxing. I hope you all have been training hard!

Today I want to blog about music. Something I always tell my clients and anyone I know is that when you are feeling tired, or unmotivated, put on some up beat music. I swear to you this works. Today, after I trained my first 2 clients, I was feeling it, very tired. I quickly put on some up beat music, and it motivated me for my training session.

I LOVE everything about music, it's a gift, and it's a gift that is relatively inexpensive. If you've ever taken a group fitness class, notice there is always music playing, as well as in most gyms. Next time you need some extra motivation, put on some up beat music to get you exercising.

If you are hearing impaired, turn on a music video and use the subtitle feature to give you the sense of beat.

Thank you for reading and no matter what shape and size you are, always love yourself!!!


Purchase a new song to get you moving. I suggest the new single out by, my cast mate and friend, Jei. Her single "Show me the Money" is on itunes for only $0.99. It's upbeat and fabulous!!!!

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Monday, October 17, 2011


While I was watching Sunday football yesterday, I started thinking about discipline. I have a true respect for professional athletes. To become a pro, in any sport, takes a lifetime of discipline. It's pretty amazing to this fitness fanatic.

I am EXTREMELY disciplined with my fitness regimen. I schedule my whole week in advance. I know exactly when and what I am training. Now, I get it, most people aren't extreme, like myself. However, once you start and become disciplined at actually training your body, the discipline grows.

It's Monday, please, I beg you, I plead with you, take 5 minutes and schedule your fitness regimen. I'm serious, write it down and schedule it, become disciplined in training your body. At the very least, schedule 3 sessions of exercise. Anyone can make time for 3 sessions.

Thank you for reading and no matter what shape and size you are, always love yourself!!!


While you are exercising turn off your freakin cell phone, it is a distraction that will break your focus. Enjoy the time away from technology, and you will have a stronger workout.

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Thursday, October 13, 2011

Exercise gives you energy!

Hello, this blog is going to be short and sweet. I have had an incredibly busy week and I've been under some stress. I have not gotten the best of sleep this week. I am HUGE on sleeping 7-8 hours a night.

Sleep repairs your muscles, and keeps you looking young, just to name a few of the benefits. This week I've been really tired, not fatigued, tired. One of the most common reasons people tell me they don't exercise is because they are "too tired". I am here, as proof, to say that's a load of crap.

Although I was tired I still have made it to the gym everyday this week. After my training I HAVE MORE ENERGY!!!! This is no lie, I promise, when you are tired, not fatigued, start moving your body, it will give you more energy and you will feel better!

Thank you for reading and no matter what shape and size you are, always love yourself!!!


Don't take your vitamins with coffee or tea, the tanins in these will block absoption. Take your vitamins with water and wait ten minutes after you have drank coffee or tea.

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Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Go slow

Hi, it is rainy here in LA. I actually don't mind the rain, it reminds me of home. Don't get me wrong, I live in a city where the weather is pretty perfect most of the time, but I like rain here and there. It cleans our city. I had a pretty fabulous work out today at the gym, which is why I want to talk about going slowly.

A good trainer controls your pace of movement. I started my session with my usual balance, core, and reactive training, then I moved to legs. My last exercise was ab work. I always do at least one ab exercise a session. My focus throughout my routine today was to go slower than usual.

While I was training my abs I grabbed a stability ball to perform standard ball crunches. What I did differently today was I went as absolute slowly as I could. I went up for 8 counts and at the top I held and vacuumed out every bit of air in me. I was only able to do 15 reps.

My point is that sometimes you have to slow it down, it didn't matter that I didn't do a ton of crunches, my abs were killing me by the end of 2 sets. I am also already feeling the soreness. Next time you train, try the slow approach and feel the difference.

Thank you for reading and no matter what shape and size you are, always love yourself!!!


Remember while performing ab work, your hands should be by your ears and your elbows should be out of your peripheral vision.

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