Just finished my date with Cathe Friedrich, (fitness program, DTV channel 261), and I'm feeling good. Yesterday was Yoga Tuesday, one of my favorite days of the week! I enjoy Yoga for many different reasons, it not only is a great way to strengthen your body, but for me it's very spiritual.
My instructor at Exhale, located in Venice CA, is truly gifted. I've taken MANY yoga classes with an array of different instructors and I've never felt the presence of someone like I do when I'm practicing with Joe Tastula. When I leave the studio I always feel completely at peace, and it's a great hour and a half work out. Joe has a special way of centering her students. Her class is open to all levels, and she encourages her students to take breaks when necessary. There is just something about her. When she's teaching it's as if she's a floating ray of light. Sounds cheesy........ but true. I LOVE HER!
With all the benefits yoga offers, it is one piece of my routine that I won't miss. Life is so stressful, and we are dealing with such hard economic times, it's nice to just shut down and breathe.
Thank you for reading and no matter what shape or size you are always love yourself!!!
Yoga can get pretty pricey, most studios offer a class that is based on donation only. Call your local studio and see if one is offered. If not, check your cable stations. Direct TV offers Namaste Yoga in the mornings which is pretty good, also your local library should have DVDs to rent for free!!!