Saturday, July 31, 2010

TRX the sequel

It is a beautiful day in LA. I just went out to run errands and it struck me that we are in summer. I have yet to go on a vacation, that is next on my agenda. This morning I played on my fitness pole I had installed in my apartment, and I loved it. My body is adjusting to the pole again, and I'm recalling all of the tricks and moves I learned in class. It takes an extreme amount of strength for the inverts, but it is so much fun!!!

Yesterday I trained for the second time with the fabulous TRX. The man who is training me on how to use it taught me new moves, it was a really difficult workout. The reason why I am supper impressed by the TRX is because it looks so simple. It's just a pair of suspension bands........but you can perform so many different moves with it...........and they are all hard. As I stated in one of my blogs this week, there are moves that I perform with balls, but being suspended you use different muscles, which makes the moves more difficult.

The TRX was made my a navy seal and is under $200, which I think is reasonable for all it can do. This is a piece of equipment that I plan on purchasing and will now incorporate it into my weekly fitness regimen. It has blown me away. You can even look it up on youtube if your searching for new moves, or need demonstrations. Many gyms are also offering TRX fitness classes, go and check one out!

Thank you for reading and no matter what shape or size you are, always love yourself!!!


Keep each meal focused on one bold flavor. Loading your plate with too many tastes or aromas may trigger the production of hunger-inducing hormones that can make you overeat without realizeing it.

Friday, July 30, 2010


It's Friday, another week gone. This week I have been a little more tired than usual, could be the full moon we were in, or just life, who knows. Although my energy has been lower, I haven't missed a gym session, and it hasn't changed my mood. All and all, it's been a pretty good week.

So let's talk about sleep. I thought I would write about it on a Friday because the majority of people have the weekend off. How much sleep do you get on a regular night? I would like you to honestly think back this week and figure it out. Most of our population does not sleep enough. If that is your case, then I beg you to make some changes.

Sleep goes hand in hand with being a healthy human being. You need sleep for a number of reasons. If you are training your muscles regularly you need sleep for the recovery process. Not to mention those who don't sleep enough have lower energy, are moody, overeat, have slow reflexes, and age, to name a few. Honestly, when you sleep enough (6-8 hours a night), you just feel better. I know life gets hectic and we live in a crazy world, but make sleeping a priority and you will experience it's fabulous benefits.

Thank you for reading and no matter what shape or size you are, always love yourself!!!


Eat your meal in the following order: Veggies first, then the protein, then the whole-grain carbohydrates. Having veggies first satisfies your stomach and your brain. Fiber packed veggies are filling, by the time you get to the carbs-the danger zone for many people-you'll be ready to stop.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

live, love, and learn

That's my motto for today. Live, love, and learn. That's pretty much life in general. I am feeling fantastic and I hope you are too! In the last six months I have gained so much clarity on what matters to me. I'm trying to take nothing for granted and live life to the fullest with the people I love.

After months of obsessing over the TRX strap system, I FINALLY used one with a partner yesterday. Can I just say I LOVE TRX!!!! It is amazing how many different exercises you can perform with just two straps. We did a full body circuit, and there were exercises that I do using balls, but with these straps I felt different muscles was fantastic. One of the greatest benefits to owning a TRX is that it's lightweight, you can take it anywhere, and mount it on any door. If you are a traveler, I highly suggest investing in one.

This morning I trained a friend of mine who is trying to prepare for a triathalon. Now that I am a fitness professional, it really made me feel good to work with someone. I loved every minute of it. I was able to use all the information that I have learned to help someone. I feel as though I have found one of my true purposes to life, something I was meant to do: help and serve, and it is the best feeling ever! I hope everyone reading this enjoys life, loves with an open heart, and learns from the mistakes made (mistakes are what helps shape us).

Thank you for reading and no matter what shape or size you are, always love yourself!!!


One 6 ounce container of nonfat, sugar free fruit yogurt makes for a healthy snack, however, the same amount of 2 percent Greek yogurt contains three times the filling protein (as much as a quarter cup of tuna) with just 112 calories. Instead of regular yogurt go for Greek!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Tony Robbins on NBC tonight!

Hello, hope you are all having a great day! I was having an off day yesterday and couldn't shake it. When I'm like that my rule is to call a friend who I know loves me and talk about it. I'm so glad I did because he told me that we are in a full moon cycle. When the earth experiences a full moon it changes the tides in the Ocean, well, our body is mainly made up of water, so it can disrupt human beings as well. After my conversation I went downstairs, did some endurance training on the bike for an hour, and I felt like me again.

So, I feel like a child before Christmas. My hero of all heroes, Tony Robbins', new show premieres tonight on NBC. I can't explain how this man has made a dramatic change in my life. I've been a fan of his for years, I started one of his programs again in Feb. I just keep going through it over and over, so, everyday I have a CD I get to listen to. Well, last week I reviewed all of the goals I have achieved since Feb. and I was amazed. His stuff does work, I promise to you. He has helped inspire me to change my life, help others, and feel good.

Now, there are many people who aren't into that stuff, and that's OK, it's your choice, and I respect it. However, for those of you readers out there who are looking to improve your quality of life and relationships......... I STRONGLY ENCOURAGE YOU TO WATCH HIS SHOW TONIGHT!!!!! C'mon what can it hurt, it's totally free, if your not inspired then all you did was waste a little time in front of the television. I'm pretty sure you'll be inspired though, and while your watching why don't you do some crunches in between commercial breaks, or grab a ball and squeeze it in between your thighs while sitting on your couch.

Thank you for reading and no matter what shape or size you are, always love yourself!!!


Before you go out to dinner or to a party eat an apple or a portion of nuts. If you do this you will be less likely to over eat and be glutenous.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Make it a great day!

My day yesterday was absolutely fabulous. It was so fabulous that I wanted to share it with you. I realize that most people have the weekend off, so I'm hoping to inspire you to have an amazing, healthy day.

I woke up after working the night before a little tired. I did my usual routine, drank my green tea (remember it's a proven fact that green tea in the morning jump starts your metabolism), made my oatmeal with blueberries, and did my hour of power (give thanks, pray, speak affirmations, visualize). Then I went grocery shopping and filled my refrigerator with healthy foods....already a great morning.

One of my best friends (Ben) has a boat in Marina Del Rey, he and a friend were taking the boat out, so I met them. While out on the boat we saw dolphins. It was really magical to see these beautiful creatures swimming. Once we docked, I, for the first time, worked one of those stand up surfboards where you paddle for movement . OMG, soooooooooooooooo much fun, not to mention a fantastic form of exercise. You use your stabilization muscles and core so you don't fall, as well as your arms and back for the rowing. As I was rowing through the channel I just kept thinking to myself how lucky I was to be there.

After the marina, Ben and I went to our yoga studio for class. Our regular teacher was absent :( but the substitute was really good. We had such a good yoga practice, so calm and centered and our muscles were tired. We followed yoga with a yummy dinner to catch up and spend time together. When I arrived home I quickly went to bed completely fulfilled, happy, and grateful.

I'm not married (hopefully one day), I don't have a hit television sitcom (yet), and I still have to bartend a few night's a week for survival............but I appreciate what I do have and try to make the best of each and every day given to me. This weekend make it a great (and healthy) day!!!!

Thank you for reading and no matter what shape or size you are, always love yourself!!!


Volunteering may also make you healthier: Studies show that those who donate their time (even less than an hour a week), have lower incidences of heart disease and depression, plus longer life expectancies. Input your zipcode and interests at: for oportunities in your area.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Get started today

Today my house guest departed, so I've been really busy playing catch up. I had an amazing workout and then spent over two hours listening to my main man, Tony Robbins, while cleaning my apartment. I'm the type of person that needs things in order, so I multi-tasked, and I feel really good.

I own almost all of Tony's programs. Today I re-visited "Get The Edge". It's a wonderful program that has helped me reach some of my goals, look at life differently, and like the way I feel. Today I realized how hard it is for people to start to make a change in their lives in regards to fitness, and I am determined to help.

First, I want to congratulate you. If you are reading this, that is the first step, which is wonderful. It means you really want get in a healthier state. You have taken the time to read what I have to say, which is a form of positive action. Now I am going to challenge you. Please do what I ask.

Within 24 hours will you please take some time out of your day and exercise for at least 30 minutes. If you are starting out, then even a brisk walk will do. If you aren't starting out, I would like you to push yourself in a way that you have not yet done. Whether that means adding ten pounds to your strength training, increasing your speed on your cardio machine, or taking a class that you have been afraid to take. Do something!

I think back to the many people who told me I should be a certified personal trainer. I made so many excuses: It's to expensive, I don't have the time, it will take away from my acting......blah blah blah. Even while I was in the program I got scared and wanted to quit, there was so much information that overwhelmed me......but I didn't, I pushed through and achieved a difficult goal. I hate that I waited this long to do it. Don't be like me and start today, please I beg you.

Thank you for reading and no matter what shape or size you are, always love yourself!!!


Instead of fat-free salad dressing have vinaigrette made with olive oil and vinegar. Your nonfat ranch may have fewer calories than the original, but many fat-free dressings contain a big amount of sugar, something most people already get to much of. Plus, the fats in an olive oil vinaigrette are healthy ones that your body needs.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Find a passion!

Happy Monday everyone, I can't believe it's already the evening. I still have a guest staying with me, so my day has been off schedule. I did however manage to make it to the gym, of course, and perform my treadmill routine. I try and perform this routine once a week, or I rotate it with my endurance training on the bicycle. My treadmill routine consists of basic running, interval hills, sprinting, 10lb hand weights, side shuffling, and walking lunges. It's a full body routine I designed, it's pretty difficult, but the rewards are fabulous!

As most of you know, I fractured my ankle in Dec., and was unable to walk for a couple of months. Due to this injury I had to quit one of my passions: aerial pole dancing. Well, now that my injury has pretty much healed, for my birthday in May I bought an x-pole sport and recently had it installed in my living room. I can't begin to tell you how good it makes me feel to be practicing on my pole. This is a form of exercise that challenges my strength, (I perform acrobats), as well as just makes me happy. I was stressed out the other day, so I turned my music on, and played on my pole..... it completely changed my mood.

Take 15 minutes tonight and make a list of what form of movement or exercises makes you feel good. What are you passionate about that involves physical activity? Some examples could be yoga, hiking outdoors, salsa dance classes, rollerblading, taking a walk along the beach....the list goes on and on. Whatever your passionate about, go out and start doing it. Life is short, please try to find joy in every day. Have a beautiful, healthy night!

Thank you for reading and no matter what shape or size you are, always love yourself!!!


Sip before you snack. A nutritionist I met recently told me the nerve signals that go to your brain don't differentiate between hunger and thirst. This means if you think your starving you may just be thirsty.

Friday, July 16, 2010


A friend of mine is staying with me for a few days while she finds an apartment, so my day was off to a late start. I just got in from the gym and had a package waiting for me. I purchase my protein and supplements through, this website has the best deals, check it out! Today I trained my back and shoulders and I am beat, I increased my weights and decreased my repetitions, I also did a ton of core work, had a great workout.

My younger cousin who lives in Northern California takes an annual vacation to Disneyland. Every year I meet him, take him to lunch, and spend the day with him. Yesterday at Disneyland I was seriously horrified from American obesity.

I live in Hollywood, where a big majority of the population takes care of themselves, I was not ready for what I saw yesterday. I want to first state that my horrification was not on looks, vanity stuff, I don't care if a person is "hot" or not, I was just extremely saddened by how unhealthy people are.

As I was sitting at a bench drinking black coffee, all I did was watch human beings. I counted over 35 people stroll past me before someone who was not obese did. That is what our population is??? All I could think about were that these human beings are going to die early. Cardiovascular disease is the #1 killer in this country, not to mention diabetes, stroke, hypertension, etc.

Please if you read this, I beg you to try and make some sort of changes. To live a healthy life isn't just about adding exercise to your day, it's about making the commitment to change your lifestyle. Breaking bad habits, adding healthy nutrients, and having a support network you can call on when you need help or that extra inspiration. Let's please work on becoming a healthier country for yourself and the ones who love you.

Thank you for reading and no matter what shape or size you are, always love yourself!!!


Research shows that interval training (when you alternate bursts of fast, intense activity with slower, more moderate movement), burns more calories and fat than traditional cardio. This weekend I dare you to try it out, 20-30 minutes is all you need!!!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

New Music

I am happy to say my bruised big toe is all better. I ran like a mad woman today. After my running exercise I used rubber bands, 2 different size balls, and a 12 lb. weight for my hamstrings and glutes (butt). I was really tired this morning, I had my final session with the dentist yesterday, my mouth was still hurting, so I waited util the late afternoon for my training, and it was great!

I recently got 2 new Cd's. Eminem's: Recovery, and Enrique Iglesias: Euphoria. These are two totally different artists in every kind of way, but both of these albums are fabulous. I'm a HUGE Eminem fan, yes he can be a bit extreme, but the man is a genius and I love love love his music. Recovery is his seventh CD, and in my opinion, it's his best. Seriously, every single song is so good. I was listening to it during my running, it helped me through the difficult parts of my routine.

What music inspires or drives you? What songs give you instant energy? Think about it, and tomorrow when your about to quit your workout, play one of them, and go those extra minutes. In a month those extra minutes sure add up!

Thank you for reading and no matter what shape or size you are, always love yourself!!!


According to a recent study from Britain's Brunel University, people who listened to faster paced music while on the treadimill exercised for 15 percent longer than thos who didn't. Most single songs are relatively cheap on itunes. Treat yourself to a few new tunes and have a longer workout!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Yay for Spain, my blood!!!

I really hope all of you watched the 2010 World Cup yesterday. If you didn't, Spain won the tournament. It is the first ever win for Spain, my ancestors from my mothers side are from Spain, so it was special to me.

I really loved watching the World Cup this year. Think about it, every four years international teams with men from all over the world fight over a ball. It is fascinating. They do whatever it takes: slide, headbutt, kick, etc. It is so hot, not to mention the training these men do.

I've never enjoyed playing soccer, I am not a contact sport girl, but I can sure appreciate it. It takes an incredible amount of endurance, speed, and agility. If you are looking for a fabulous way to tone your body, I encourage you to join a team.

Thank you for reading and no matter what shape or size you are, always love yourself!!!


If you are anemic and having trouble absorbing iron, take your iron pill with 4-5 grape tomatoes. It has all the nutrients your body needs to absorb iron. This was told to me by a Dr. I am iron deficient and when I started doing this my iron went up drastically. Especially while woman are menstruating extra iron is needed.

Thursday, July 8, 2010


Today I got my certificate for personal training through the National Academy of Sports Medicine. I know it might not seem like a big deal, but it is for me. In my pursuit of acting, I have found a true passion for health and fitness. I've been consistently going to the gym for over 6 years, and everyone I know, or whom have met me has wondered why I'm not a trainer, or instructor. It was something that has always been in the back of my mind.

After my life changing trip to New York, in Feb, I decided to start another Tony Robbins program. For those of you who don't know who or what Tony Robbins does, please check him out now if not sooner. Tony Robbins is one of the most gifted, giving, incredible human beings on the planet. He would be my choice if I could choose any living person in the world to have dinner with. Anyways, I set some goals and one was to finally get my personal training certificate.

Although my life dream isn't to be a personal trainer, it's to work as an actress on a hit television sitcom. However, it's a passion that gives me so much enjoyment and pleasure. I'm fascinated by the human body, and when I do have the opportunity to help someone with their fitness goals, it makes me happy, I love it! I honestly love everything about health and fitness.

I set a goal and purchased the program on March 29th, today July 8th I achieved my goal and feel amazing. When I got my results I was so happy I started crying. I did the hard work, and it payed off.

Thank you for reading and no matter what shape or size you are, always love yourself!!!!


Make a decision and set a goal today, right now!!!!!!! When you achieve this goal you will feel AMAZING!!!!!

Monday, July 5, 2010

Are you eating enough

I hope everyone had a great 4th of July. I actually celebrated Friday night with my best friend Ben. We went out and had a blast. I spent all day studying for my big test yesterday. I have scheduled it and have so much to prepare for. This test is crazy, I can't believe all of the information that I am required to know.

I've had a lot on my mind recently, so today I decided to cycle for over an hour. I completely got out of my head and had a fantastic ride, followed by a quick ab routine. I burned an enormous amount of calories today so I will be consuming more food than usual. I need to nourish my body and replace my energy sources. I need to eat enough to gain lean body mass.

This got me thinking about food, nutrition, and body images. I'm not going to lie, there was a time when I was WAY to skinny. I was obsessed with what I ate and I really didn't look that good. During this time I was doing cardio like a mad woman. If I knew then what I know now.

I can't reiterate how important nutrition is. Your body is your temple, you have to feed it properly. If you are eating a balanced, healthy diet you can consume a lot of food. During my mission to becoming a fitness professional I have seriously increased my food consumption............ and I have stayed the same size. It doesn't matter how much you workout and train, if your body isn't getting the proper nutrients you will not see the results. Please, FEED YOUR BODY CORRECTLY!!!!!

Thank you for reading and no matter what shape or size you are, always love yourself!!!!


A good way to start developing a healthy diet is to focus on adding healthy, nutrient rich foods. Don't focus on eliminating the bad foods. By adding good foods to your diet in a consistent manner, the bad foods will eventually go away, and you will quit craving them.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Small setbacks

After my mother left yesterday I immediately started straightening up my apartment. My hand held vacuum, a cone vac, died on me. As I was taking it to the trash chute it slipped through my hands and landed directly on my big toe. I can't explain the excruciating pain. The first thing that went through my mind was how in the world I was going to do my sprinting, or any cardio for that matter.

Instead of focusing on my pain and the negative, I remembered what it felt like to fracture my ankle and not be able to walk. I put on my gym clothes and went downstairs. I was in fact unable to perform cardiovascular exercise, but I sure killed my legs and abs with weights. Today, still unable to perform cardio work, I completely used all my strength and energy training my arms. At this point my whole body hurts, which is a feeling I welcome.

The point to all of this is, yes, it sucks, my toe is killing me........however, I didn't let it keep me from taking care of myself. It would have been easier to do nothing and blow everything off. Keeping yourself in good health does take hard work, but I love myself, and it's worth it. In life we will all go through some type of setbacks, big or small, when this happens try and find a positive in it and keep on going.

Thank you for reading and no matter what shape or size you are, always love yourself!!!


Line dry your workout apparel instead of throwing the gear in the dryer with the rest of your laundry. High heat and fabric softners break down the wicking properties of performance fabrics.