Friday, July 23, 2010

Make it a great day!

My day yesterday was absolutely fabulous. It was so fabulous that I wanted to share it with you. I realize that most people have the weekend off, so I'm hoping to inspire you to have an amazing, healthy day.

I woke up after working the night before a little tired. I did my usual routine, drank my green tea (remember it's a proven fact that green tea in the morning jump starts your metabolism), made my oatmeal with blueberries, and did my hour of power (give thanks, pray, speak affirmations, visualize). Then I went grocery shopping and filled my refrigerator with healthy foods....already a great morning.

One of my best friends (Ben) has a boat in Marina Del Rey, he and a friend were taking the boat out, so I met them. While out on the boat we saw dolphins. It was really magical to see these beautiful creatures swimming. Once we docked, I, for the first time, worked one of those stand up surfboards where you paddle for movement . OMG, soooooooooooooooo much fun, not to mention a fantastic form of exercise. You use your stabilization muscles and core so you don't fall, as well as your arms and back for the rowing. As I was rowing through the channel I just kept thinking to myself how lucky I was to be there.

After the marina, Ben and I went to our yoga studio for class. Our regular teacher was absent :( but the substitute was really good. We had such a good yoga practice, so calm and centered and our muscles were tired. We followed yoga with a yummy dinner to catch up and spend time together. When I arrived home I quickly went to bed completely fulfilled, happy, and grateful.

I'm not married (hopefully one day), I don't have a hit television sitcom (yet), and I still have to bartend a few night's a week for survival............but I appreciate what I do have and try to make the best of each and every day given to me. This weekend make it a great (and healthy) day!!!!

Thank you for reading and no matter what shape or size you are, always love yourself!!!


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