Wednesday, January 26, 2011

If necessary, slow down

Good afternoon, today the weather in LA is really beautiful. Although the weather doesn't feel like winter, my health does. If you haven't guessed, yes, I've been sick.

I have a tendency to go, go, go. I guess I ran myself down, my allergies and a mild cold caught up to me. Basically my body made me slow down, very difficult for a fitness fanatic.

So, please, learn from my mistakes, although I am a COMPLETE ADVOCATE of working out and training your body, when you need a break please, take a break. If you train while your sick or under the weather, this will lower your immunity and make you worse.

For everyone who feels great, GET YOUR BODY MOVING TODAY!!!!!! 30-60 minutes of exercise, and keep your health up!!!!!!

Thank you for reading and no matter what shape and size you are, always love yourself!!!


EAT BROCCOLI!!!!!!! This fabulous vegetable not only fights of cancer it is a fat burner as well. Strive for one serving a day, preferably steamed.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The fabulous Bosu

Hope everyone is having a great start to the week. I've been pretty busy, I always make time for my training though. I cycled ten miles, followed by hard core abdominal work. I haven't cycled like that for awhile, so I'm sure I will feel it tomorrow.

My Christmas gift to myself was a Bosu balance trainer. If you aren't familiar with this fabulous item, I'm happy to describe it. They are in almost every gym, the Bosu is a blue ball dome, that is flat on the bottom. It looks as though a ball was cut in half and a flat surface was attached. This is my new favorite toy.

The thing I like best about the Bosu is that you can never quite master it when you are performing balance exercises. It will always be difficult. You can also use it for a full body workout, especially if you have a set of hand weights to incorporate.

Today, when you are in your gym, look around, or ask an employee where the Bosu balls are kept. Once you find it, stand on the center with the flat side facing down and perform simple squats. To progress this exercise, perform the squats on one single leg (single leg squat),with one of your feet off the ball. Follow your squats with Bosu crunches.

Thank you for reading and no matter what shape and size you are, always love yourself!!!


Instead of drinking fruit juice, eat whole fruits, especially if you are trying to lose weight. I tell all my clients not to waste their calories in drinks because you will still be hungry. Most fruit juices are filled with sugar (empty calories). When you eat the whole fruit you get the fiber in the fruit also.

Friday, January 7, 2011

A special message....

Today was one of the greatest days, I had a major breakthrough with a client. I wanted to share it with you. Moments like I experienced earlier remind me of why I do what I do. It's like magic.

She isn't really a client. She pays me no money, and lives in Northern California. She is, however, one of the most special, important people in my life, a woman whom I love more than anyone in this world. She is my mother.

I have spent numerous nights in worry over my mom's health. I have struggled and struggled with trying to help her and get through to her. My mother has been over weight my whole life. As a fitness professional, I have asked myself over and over, "what can I do? This is my job that I specialize in, how can I get through to her"?

Little by little I started working with her. I would make her check in with me, and every time I spoke with her I'd ask if she went to the gym. All I heard were excuses, excuses, excuses. When she came to visit me I lectured her, and tried to educate her on the benefits of eating a healthy diet. I tried everything, I even made her watch one of my favorite TV shows, The Doctors, and she really enjoyed it, however, she still was making excuses.

I went home for a visit on Christmas and she let me train her in the gym. I showed her different exercises and equipment to use. Today, on the phone, she told me that she went to the gym, did her workout, and ENJOYED it. This was music to my fitness fanatic ears. She then read me her list of 2011 goals, it was all the ways she is determined to get healthy.....going to the gym, getting better sleep, etc. My point to all of this is..........I FINALLY GOT THROUGH TO HER!!! As she read me her list, it literally made me cry, tears of happiness, and I'm not a crier, I yell, break things, go on a crazy run, etc.....I very seldom cry.

If you need more motivation to get healthy in 2011, please think of the people who love you. Do it for yourself first and foremost, but think of how it will effect your family and loved ones.

2011 is the year for results!!!!

Thank you for reading and no matter what shape and size you are, always love yourself!!!


If you have the urge to eat pasta, grab the whole wheat noodles. Saute some garlic, tomatoe, and other veggies, in olive oil to spread on top. This is a healthy alternative, and will keep you full.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

2011 is the year for results

Hi, and happy 2011. First I want to apologize for my long hiatus. I decided to take a small break from my blog before the new year. Due to personal family reasons the break got extended. Sometimes you just can't control setbacks and have to roll with them.

So, it's a new year, I hope you are all psyched and hopeful for 2011. My mantra for myself and my clients is "2011 is the year for results". Meaning, I am completely dedicated, and determined for all my clients to reach their goals and get the results they came to me in need for. Yes, I'm kicking it up a notch.

As for me, I am 100% positive that 2011 I will reach all of my goals that I set in Nov. If you just started reading, I made my vision and goal board on Nov. 11th, I wanted to be ahead.

2011 is my year for my results, this year love will find me in some form, and my career endeavors will explode........I just know it. So, come, join my mantra, make 2011 the year of your results and make your dreams come true.

Thank you for reading and no matter what shape and size you are, always love yourself!!!


Today, right now, please write down a specific fitness goal you would like to achieve in 2011. Place it somewhere you will see it everyday. At the end of the year, you will be amazed. I know this sounds cheesy but studies have shown this really does work.