Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Evaluate your lifestyle

I apologize for the delay in posting. I was under a big amount of stress and had many things on my mid regarding many different facets of my life. My whole life revolves around health and fitness, it is my true passion in life. I can't explain the happiness I feel when I receive an email, text, phone call, etc. from a client or a friend that I've been helping or training thanking me for improving their health. It's the best feeling in the world and it always reminds why I do what I do............it's what I am meant to do.

If you know me personally you know I am incredibly honest. I hate being lied to and I can't comprehend a person that lies. I ALAWAYS tell the truth and if I say I'm going to do something, I do it. I am a person of my word. I realized last week that I had been saying I was going to do something for some time, and I had not yet done it out of fear, it was also effecting my health.

I've been a bartender in nightclubs for over a decade. When I became a fitness professional I scaled back and only worked part time. As a bartender the fast cash is just sometimes a little to good to pass up. The hours and the mental abuse however, are physically, at times, unbearable.

Every few months I evaluate my over-all health. I see my physician, get my blood tested, overview my exercise regimen, and feel myself out mentally and emotionally. I do this for a self check, and see where there is room for improvement (there's always room for improvement). I realized bartending was killing me, so I took a risk, leap of faith, and Friday night was my last night as a bartender. Money is not worth my health suffering.

Today I'd like you to evaluate your health. Are there things that need improvement? What needs to change? No matter how scary or hard I challenge you to make the change. When one door shuts another door opens, and nothing is more improtant than your health.

Thank you for reading and no matter what shape and size you are, always love yourself!!!


When ordering sandwiches, tacos, etc. swap out the cheese in place of avacado. Avacado's are loaded with good fat your body needs, just don't overdue it.