Thursday, September 9, 2010


Last night my good friend, Lee Knaz, invited me over to his home for Jewish New Year's. He is a finalist on the Gordon Ramsey reality show, Masterchef, and had a viewing party after dinner. Lee is from Israel, and cooked a delicious gourmet Israeli dinner for his girlfriend and close friends. It was such a great way to experience another culture's New Year's dinner. I'm happy to say Lee has made it to the final round, let's hope next week he will take the title of America's first Masterchef.

Today I had a really great, intense, hike with a neighbor of mine from Norway. She is a singer/songwriter and on the way to the canyon she played me her music. Her name is Antionnette, and as soon as her music gets released in the states, I'll let you know. She's incredibly talented, and her music is upbeat and makes you want to move. It was so nice during our hike to learn about her way of living.

So, I've been reflecting on all this culture that has been presented before me. That's one great thing about living in LA, people come here from all over the world. I feel as though it helps you grow and expand as a human being. It's made me want to learn more, especially in regards to fitness. There are all kinds of great classes you can take. I think I might try an African zumba class next.

Thank you for reading and no matter what shape or size you are, always love yourself!!!


Carry healthy snacks with you at all times. You should eat a meal or snack every four hours. Long stretches without food lower blood sugar and send your body into conservation mode, slowing your metabolism. My favorite protein bar that I always have on me is Think Thin, or I carry single serving bags of raw, unsalted, almonds.