Yesterday I made my stop at my favorite natural food store, Erewhon, for my weekly supply of Kombucha. In the store they were having food demonstrations with samples. The very first table at the entrance I quickly glanced at, it was pasta (or so I thought), which I never consume, so I kept on walking.
Picking up my Kombucha I sampled a delicious raw food bar. The demonstrator asked me if I tried the zucchini up front. I was very confused, so I went back up front. THE PASTA WAS ACTUALLY STRINGS OF ZUCCHINI AND IT WAS DELICIOUS! I couldn't believe that I was consuming a vegetable and not a grain. The sauce was pesto with a hint of parmesan cheese, and some ground nuts sprinkled on top. This meal was absolutely delicious.
The demonstrator, Kimberly Zimmerman, is one of the owners. Her restaurant is: Good to Go Restaurants, vibrant food for vibrant living. It's in Huntington Beach, but she sells pre-packaged meals in Erewhon and Whole Foods. The meals are 90% raw, and all organic. In Erewhon they were around $9 per meal.
I stood and talked to this wonderful woman for awhile, she was so informative, it was great. When I asked her about the calorie and fat content she made me aware that there is high fat, but because it's good fat (olive oil, nuts, pesto, parmesan cheese), your body uses it for energy instead of storing it. Seriously, this dish was so good, I am so excited that I have found this treasure!!!!! Healthy and yummy, what a fabulous combination!!!!
Thank you for reading and no matter what shape or size you are, always love yourself!!!
When your having a sweet tooth craving eat some honey. Honey is an immunity boosting sweetner, which is also rich in cancer-fighting polyphenols. Try drizzling it over wholegrain bread or add it to your greek yogurt to make a dip for fruit.