Monday, December 20, 2010

Try a different form of cardio

Good morning! It's Monday, a new week, and the new year is right around the corner. Today lets talk cardio. Last week I made a little change to my cardiovascular routine, it was really effective.

When I am in the gym I am constantly observing. I quite often notice the same people on the same machines. Most of us have our favorite form of cardio, and don't stray away from it. I want to preface that if you are getting to the gym and performing cardio, that is great, I am sooooooo proud of you! However, if you rotated a new machine in, your body will completely feel it the next day.

For my fitness goals I don't perform to much cardio, my goal is to gain muscle. I need to watch my caloric intake and make sure it isn't too low. I still need to strengthen my heart, so I incorporate some form of cardio once a week. Last week I decided to jump on the bike, I did a short, 22 minute interval routine I designed, and boy did my body feel it the next day.

It had been awhile since the last time I jumped on the stationary bicycle, so I used my muscles differently than, for instance, if I would have run on the treadmill. I was incredibly soar the following day, and I loved it!!!!!

It's the start of a new week, today, my challenge for you is to try a different cardio machine. One machine I rarely see being used is the rower. This is a great full body workout. Why don't you give it a try and see how your body feels tomorrow?

Thank you for reading and no matter what shape and size you are, always love yourself!!!


When you go to the movies bring along a healthy snack. Movie theatre snacks are loaded with calories and sodium, JUST SAY NO!!!!! I usually bring a protein bar, or a small bag of raw almonds to stop me from indulging. (p.s. go see The Fighter, Christian Bale's performance is magnificent)

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Stop the bad cycle

This month's Shape magazine cover star is Kelly Osbourne. I feel compelled to blog about her because she has overcome hurdles and is looking, and feeling, fabulous. What I liked best about this article is that she stated she was a fat girl, or called chubby, her whole she's on the cover of one of the best fitness magazines, quite an accomplishment.

Kelly has gone to rehab a few times for drug abuse. She is now sober and thinking clear. Even as a drug addict she was heavy. She blames being overweight on emotional eating. She felt so bad about herself, or when things went wrong, she went for food. She has finally found a cure, and stopped that bad cycle.

Emotional eating affects so many of us. I am not an emotional eater, however, I am an emotional person, I battle with depression, and I have learned and accepted it. I have tremendous highs......and lows. I now know when the depression bug is coming, and I have learned to break the cycle. Tuesday evening I felt it coming on, so I immediately called a friend and went out to dinner and a movie. When I'm feeling down my rule is that I get out of my apartment and be around happy, positive, friends.

If you have a problem with emotional eating (please don't feel bad admitting this, most of us do), recognize and accept it. Make a plan to deal with it, and stop your cycle. Write your plan of attack down,the next time it's coming on and your going for the fridge, look at that piece of paper and do what you promised yourself.

Thank you for reading and no matter what shape and size you are, always love yourself!!!!


When you are performing ab work remember to breathe. This is so important!!!!!! When you tighten your muscles by vacuuming out your air, it makes the exercise extremely more effective.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Notice how you feel

Today has been good. I slept well, got up early, and trained. I worked on my back and shoulders. I also incorporated a new balance exercise. While I was getting my personal training certification, I learned that with every workout you should do one exercise for balance. I have a lot of energy, which is more than I can say for yesterday.

On Tuesday night I met a few friends for dinner and had 2 glasses of red wine. For those of you whom have been reading, I'm not a big drinker, I limit myself to a few glasses of wine a week. When I woke up yesterday I had a headache and was much slower......all from two glasses of wine.

I am a health nut, most of my meals are very clean, organic, and healthy. What I realized Weds. is how the red wine made me feel the next day. When you are eating and or drinking try and notice how you feel afterwards. If you eat a big pasta dinner, later are you lethargic, tired, etc. If you eat a salad that has lean protein and some healthy fats like avocado and nuts......... how do you feel?

My point to all of this is to really try and notice how your food consumption makes you physically feel. I am positive you will start to notice that when you eat a healthy, balanced, diet you will feel good.

Thank you for reading and no matter what shape and size you are, always love yourself!!!


While you are at those fun holiday party's stay away from the food table. A recen study found that the people who were furthest away from the food and goodies ate less. Have your conversation and fun on the other side of the room!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Do things you enjoy

The week has come, and basically, gone. I was extremely busy this week, that's a good thing for me. When I have to much time on my hands is when I get off track. Throughout the week I am constantly scanning the Internet, television, and magazines for articles related to health and fitness, and even on success. While I was taking an online "test", one of the questions asked, "What in your life do you enjoy"?

I wanted to ask all of you that question. I know myself really well, and I know what my passions are, what I like to do, but do you? It really makes a big difference when you relate it to your health and fitness regimen.

If you are finding it difficult to, as an example, let's say, get to your kickboxing class.......then maybe you should dig deep in your heart and soul and find out if you enjoy it. Another class like ballet, or pilates, might be better suited for you. Do you not like going into the gym? Well, then maybe you should join a cyclist, or running club to get you outside and moving. Whatever type of health and fitness regimen you choose, please take ten minutes to really ask yourself if you like doing it, if it doesn't excite you, then try something new.

*********Now, be honest with yourself, I know exercising is hard for all of us, sometimes I don't like to get to the gym........but I don't interpret this blog to not exercise or train your body, just do a form of training that you enjoy, and that will push you.**************************************************************

Thank you for reading and no matter what shape and size you are, always love yourself!!!


A very simple way to avoid over-eating is to grab a smaller plate. Start using your salad plate as your main dinner plate, this will help you eat less.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Give yourself little rewards

Just got in from training, today was legs........boy were they shaking. I have a busy day today, my gym time was a bit shorter. Even though I didn't spend as much time in the gym, I made the 40 minutes I did have count, that's what really matters. You don't need to spend hours upon hours in the gym everyday, just use the time wisely and really push yourself.

Last night I came across a great article in this months, Women's Health. It was on motivation. In the article it stated that people had higher motivation when they set a goal, reached it, and gave themselves a reward. It makes complete sense, and I follow that with all my goals.

Rewards can be big or small, but set one regarding your health and fitness today. How about make a goal that you go to the gym 3 times a week, every week of December. This will help keep the holiday pounds from piling, and give you a head start for feeling good in 2011. Set yourself a reward now. Say to yourself at the end of the month if I do this my rewards is............ This will motivate you to reach your goal!!!

Thank you for reading and no matter what shape and size you are, always love yourself!!!


It is OK to eat chocolate. I have read numerous articles, and it's been featured on many health shows, that there are great health benefits to eating chocolate. The key is to eat dark, non processed chocolate, and to only eat a small portion (1-2 oz, or a small square).

Monday, November 29, 2010

Yoga, Yoga, Yoga, O'my

I hope everyone had a fantastic Thanksgiving and enjoyed yummy food with people you love. Last week I joined a new yoga studio right around the corner from where I live. I love Exhale, in Venice, but I rarely have time these days for the drive. As a new member of Yogaworks, your first week you can attend as many classes as you like. I took advantage of this and went 4 times throughout the week.

I have been a fan of yoga for years, I encourage all my clients, and everyone I know, to practice at least once a week. Now I know why. There is just something about yoga that centers me (and most people). I handled stress more easily, was more relaxed, and a co-worker at the night club I work at kept on telling me I was glowing (I took a late class right before work that evening).

There are many different kinds of yoga. Try as many as possible and see what you like. Classes are offered through most cable stations, meaning you don't even need to leave your home, you can watch and follow in your living room. There are also dvd's you can rent for free at your public library. If you want to live a more peaceful life, start practicing yoga today!

Thank you for reading and no matter what shape and size you are, always love yourself!!!


Physical activity is a huge mood improver, take a 20 minute walk during your lunch break and it will do wonders.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. Today, I want you all to enjoy yourselves, I hope you are surrounded by positivity and love. It's OK today to indulge a bit. The key is a bit. Don't stuff yourself and overeat, but do enjoy dinner!!!

Thank you for reading and no matter what shape and size you are, always love yourself!!!


Today please be thankful for all your blessings, even through hard times. The fact that you are alive, breathing, and reading this is blessing enough!!!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

New Year's Resolution

This morning as I was doing my morning ritual (hour of power), I started thinking about all my clients. I am pretty sure most of them will tell me next week how they over-ate and feel horrible about it. That's why I'm urging all of you to make a New Year's Resolution regarding your health and fitness and start it now!!!

Every year after the holidays I sit down and do goal setting for the following year. Well, on Tuesday November 9th (yes, I remember the date), I spent hours making my 2011 vision board, along with my goal board. I have both of these boards hung in my bedroom wall, they are the first thing I look at every morning. I feel good, I'm ahead for 2011, and I am positive it will be a good year for me.

Today make your fitness resolution/goal.....what you want out of 2011. This way you can stick with it through the Holiday season and not gain any of those pesky holiday pounds. I swear to you, it will keep you focused and on track for a positive 2011!!!

Thank you for reading and no matter what shape and size you are, always love yourself!!!


Sweat for 2.5 hours a week. You can break it up however you like (10 minutes of walking here, 60 minute pilates class there, etc.). This is the recommended allotment the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends. Even if you only get to the gym or fitness center 3 days a week, which consists of workouts under an hour, this is enough. You can do it, love yourself enough and make the time!!!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Have patience

It is only 12:30 and I've done so much today. I made a deal with a client of mine that I would wake him up and we could go practice yoga together. I love yoga and advise everyone I work with to try and practice once a week. Well, we started today and made it to the 6:30 am class. I then trained another client at 8:15, got dressed and made it to an 11 am audition. I feel great!

While I was in my car I thought about how much time and dedication it takes to change your body. All I can say is be patient. I understand, you make the commitment to start training, a few weeks go bye, and you don't see big results. It can be very frustrating, but I promise if you keep at it for the long haul, YOU WILL SEE AND GET RESULTS. You just have to be patient.

Even I, being a fanatic, get impatient. I eat a healthy, balance diet, and I train arms are still not where I want them to be. My arms are my weakest body part. I just have to keep working on them, and be more patient. Eventually I will see the results I'm striving for, and when I do, it's going to be fabulous!!!

Please keep up your hard work, try not to get discouraged, and have patience.

Thank you for reading and no matter what shape and size you are, always love yourself!!!


Transform your carb rich foods like pizza and pancakes by making them healthy. Substitute regular flour for almond flour (blanched, ground almonds). You'll get more protein and fiber, plus hefty doses of calcium, magnesium, and antioxidant vitamin E.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Litmus test

I just had a fantastic training session, today I worked my legs and rocked out to Katy Perry. Her new album is pretty upbeat, it really gets me going. While I was training I thought about a new client I'm working with.

Before I take a client I meet and assess with the person. It's fast and pain free. I try and gauge how serious they are and what level I need to push em and be on em. I find out their goals to see if I'm the right trainer for them. After the initial assessment we come up with a regimen and plan. This is where my litmus test comes into play.

The first week I'm not aggressive, I sit and wait. I take notes if the client flakes completely, gives me an excuse, etc. Don't get me wrong, I understand that things come up....we live in a busy world, however, I can generally tell what's up. Week number two is when the drill sergeant comes out, as my mother says, "Your mean". Frankly, it's not my job to be nice, and if I have to be mean to get you going, I'm completely capable of that.

Today come up with your own personal litmus test. Find out what you are stalling on and make a plan, whatever that be, to get going. We are in full blown holiday mode where the average person puts on the pounds, this is the time to work harder and not hold back.

Thank you for reading and no matter what shape and size you are, always love yourself!!!


Spread 2 tbsp. peanut butter on whole wheat bread with a sliced banana and drink an 8 oz glass of skim milk for a great meal. You will feel full and keep your blood sugar steady. The meal has 511 calories, 25 grams of protein, 19 grams of fat, and 8grams of fiber and it is yummy, yummy, yummy.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


I read an article the other day regarding change. It stated how most Americans don't like change, try to avoid it at all costs. The article also stated that change was good for you in a many different ways in terms of your health. I thought about this for awhile, pondering my life.

This year with the help of Anthony Robbins programs, I have made major changes. Yes, change is scary, but living is also scary, the world is scary, life is simply scary. The thing with change is that it awakens you, helps you see things differently. Change helps you grow as a human being. I welcome change and say BRING IT ON!!!!! My life and the way I think and handle stress has completely changed for the better from a year ago, I'm so thankful for that.

Today while you are in the gym, I challenge you to change your regimen in one little way. Use a machine you never used before, take a class you've never tried, spend extra time stretching a body part that you don't stretch, etc. Feel it the next day and smile!!!

Thank you for reading and no matter what shape and size you are, always love yourself!!!


In order to save those veggies right before they spoil, invest in a crock pot and make a soup. It will cook to perfection while you are at work, and you will have a healthy meal readily available throughout the week.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Do you brush your teeth?

I have been very frustrated lately. I constantly have people asking me for help, and I love giving it. When I follow up, I find most of the time that the person didn't take my advice. I have clients, friends, and family whom I train, and every week I hear the same sob story. They tell me they really want to lose weight and get healthy, but don't have time. You know what my response is? "Do you brush your teeth"?

It's a very simple question and everyone says, "of course". Well, that's how I feel about exercising. In order to be serious about getting healthy and changing your body, you have to start making diet and exercise a main priority, and part of your daily ritual. It has to be something you make time for and just do, like brushing your teeth.

It can be as simple as a twenty minute walk, or even waking up ten minutes earlier and jump can even do this while you are still in your pajamas. Before you go to bed tonight look at your schedule for tomorrow and plan to get some form of exercise in. If you start making this a ritual, I promise you will start seeing results, and your health will improve. You will also make your personal trainer very happy.

Thank you for reading and no matter what shape and size you are, always love yourself!!!


Add servings of broccoli to your weekly diet. This fabulous vegetable not only is proven to burn fat, but it also is a cancer fighter.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

A plateau

The other day when I was training my legs, during my training It was a difficult workout. I pushed myself, and I was exhausted after my session. I train myself on a split system. This is where you take and spend a whole day of training on a body part, and alternate body parts throughout the week. An example would be Monday: legs, Tuesday: biceps and triceps, Wednesday: Back and Shoulders, etc. The following day after I killed my legs, I wasn't very soar.

This leads me to talk about when your body plateau's. It's not that I didn't work hard or push myself, my muscles have just become use to the exercises and stress. There is a pretty simple remedy to fix this. All you have to do is change it up. This means next week I will incorporate new exercises with different weights, and take out older exercises I have been doing for awhile.

A good rule to follow is changing your routine about every 12 weeks to avoid a plateau. Increasing weight and changing the amount of repetitions needs to change constantly though. Always listen to your body, and remember, the last two repetitions should be really difficult.

Thank you for reading and no matter what shape and size you are, always love yourself!!!


Research found that 20 minutes of walking a day is enough to safeguard against stroke, which kills more than 80,000 women every year. An easy way to add a little more steps into your day is by parking further away and taking the longer way to walk to work, or taking a nice walk during your lunch break or after dinner.

Monday, November 8, 2010

My week off

Happy Monday, I hope you all are having a great day! I had to take a week off my blog to take care of myself. I got a really bad case of food poisoning, followed by symptoms of a cold. It was absolutely horrible, I felt weak all week. Today is the start of a new week though, and I'm feeling much better.

I did want to share an interesting experience with you. Anyone who reads my blog knows my favorite grocery store in LA is Erewhon. It's a natural food store that caters to raw foodies, macrobiotics, and vegans. It's a bit pricey, but it's worth it to me.

Friday afternoon I was still feeling under the weather, and I knew I had to be up late working at night. I went to Erewhon and sat down at there tonic bar for the first time. THIS TONIC BAR IS UTTERLY AMAZING!!!!! I told the two men behind the counter (Truth and Jason), what was going on with me, and they mixed up all natural concoctions to help me feel better. There was an immunity shot, an antibiotic shot, and a warm immunity tonic.

I spent about an hour sitting there drinking, watching them brew many different tonics, shakes, and shots: I was fascinated. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE western medicine and believe if you don't feel well that you should always go see your medical doctor. I do also believe, however, in herbs and natural products. I woke up Sat. morning feeling a hundred times better, what they made for me worked.

It's the beginning of the week, get to the gym, and start out strong!!!!

Thank you for reading and no matter what shape and size you are, always love yourself!!!


I wanted to share with you my personal recipe for the best shake ever. I make one for myself right after my training. It's soooooo good for you and fabulous, if I do say so myself. Try it, and let me know what you think.

1 scoop of inner armour protein powder (you can order it at
1 scoop of amazing grass gluten free and raw wheat grass (bought at whole foods)
1 scoop of Sambazon organic freeze-dried acai (bought at any health food store)
2 tablespoons of golden flax seeds
1/2 an average size pomegranite

Mix with about six ounces of water, blend, and enjoy!!!!!

Friday, October 29, 2010

Reaching a small goal

Today during my training at the gym I was really struggling. I worked last night, so I was a bit more tired than usual. Many people I know have come down with the flu, so I'm trying to keep my immunity up and fight those germs. I was just weaker, and I hated it.

I turned on Eminem to give me some energy, (I LOVE his music), and started my routine. While I was training my biceps I thought back to a memory from middle school. Once a year, during physical education, the school would test the students on various sporting activities. I could NEVER do a pull-up, not even half of one.

My upper body has always been weaker than my lower body. Going through the education in becoming a certified personal trainer, I have learned so much about gaining muscle and my upper body is becoming much more stronger. Today, I put my knowledge and hard work to the test, and won a big challenge. I completed 4 sets of 4 pull-ups!!!!!!!!

This doesn't sound like a big deal, but for me it's HUGE. I made myself a goal, I achieved it, and feel fantastic. My entire life I couldn't complete a pull-up, and now I can. Next week I'm going to do even more!

Today, I encourage you to set a small goal, when you reach it, you will feel incredible and it will give you momentum for more. I was completely struggling today, and now I'm a big ball of happy energy!!!

Thank you for reading and no matter what shape and size you are, always love yourself!!!


To avoid eating all of your leftover Halloween candy, dump your whole basket to your lucky last trick or treater. You will make this child's night, and won't have the temptation around.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Know when to take it easy

I just got in from training and let me just tell you, I already hurt. Today I trained my back and shoulders, I really pushed myself. I usually warm up with 10 minutes of running, but I have lost a little weight, so I had to cut that out this week. I am trying to gain muscle, increase mass, so losing weight is a bad thing for me.

A client of mine told me Sat. that she felt a little run down. While I was training her, I made a mental note of this, and took her session down a notch. When I left I did tell her to eat, eat, eat. Most people when they don't feel well, don't consume enough good nutrients, which in turn makes you feel worse. I also told her to stay out of the gym the next few days.

Well, let's just say she is full blown sick at this point. What most people don't realize is that if you train when your immunity is low, when you are sick, it makes you worse, not to mention you can infect any other members of your gym. When you feel as though you are getting sick, please take a few days off. Don't risk becoming really sick, which leads to missing a few weeks.

Thank you for reading and no matter what shape and size you are, always love yourself!!!


To prevent acne breakouts on the sides of your face, wipe down your ipod cords with alcohol.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Please Read

I found out last night that a friend of mine has a brain tumor. A happy man, in his 30's, who is in relatively good health,has a brain tumor. Did I mention he has a beautiful little daughter named Sasha.

As I type this he is in surgery. His family was visiting, thank god, and they made him go see a Dr. I'm not putting him at blame, but, like most people, he thought it was nothing. His back hurt, had some headaches, etc......he just lived with the minor pains and put off making a Dr.'s appointment. I am not a medical practitioner, I didn't go to medical school, I only know what I read, learn, and feel .

What I do know is that most people don't go to the Dr. for various reasons. What I do know is that early detection of any type of ailment puts you at a higher rate of surviving it. What I do know is that no one knows your body better than yourself and when something is wrong it tries to tell you.

Today I beg and plead with you to please check in with your body. Is there something that doesn't feel right? Has something been persistent, that hasn't gone away? When was the last time you had a physical and had bloodwork done? Please make sure you are in good health before it is to late.

Thank you for reading and no matter what shape and size you are, always love yourself!!!



Thursday, October 21, 2010

Push through the bad weather

This morning while I was training at the gym I had an interesting conversation with a neighbor of mine. He had told me that because of the weather he has been dragging and that he hasn't been making it downstairs to the gym. A client I trained yesterday evening also had the same concerns.

The season has changed, we are in fall, and will head into winter soon. How do you push through the bad weather and keep up with your fitness regimen? One very simple tool you can use is to find a partner who will make you accountable. Find a friend or loved one whom you know trains regularly at the gym, and buddy up.

Holiday season is right around the corner, which means there will be parties. Your temptation to consume junk food and alcohol will be at a higher level. Most people gain weight during this time, in order to prevent this you need to kick up your training a notch.....not back down. I know when the weather is gloomy it gives you the desire to stay in, say no to this, put on your tennis shoes, call a friend, and get to the gym.....your body will thank you for it!!!

Thank you for reading and no matter what shape and size you are, always love yourself!!!


Stir in, don't dump the watery layer on top of your yogurt. It's actually whey, which contains live and active cultures, calcium, and amino acidis.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Bad days

I apologize for not posting, I was out of town. I wanted to share with you my past Sat. An acquaintance whom asked me for help completely screwed me over. When I say screwed me over, I mean big time. This wasn't a man, it was a woman, and it relates to business. I was so angry and hurt. I did nothing but hold up to my end of the bargain and have been kind, understanding, and patient. In the end she got malicious and cruel, which if you read my blog, you know that's not in my nature, so I can't wrap my head around it. I swear on everything I love, I was in no way at fault and have done nothing wrong.

The reason I write about this is because we all have bad days. Some are worse than others, it's how we handle them. I immediately called a friend and spent the day with her. I knew being alone would only make me feel worse. This is why in a prior blog I wrote about having that list of people to turn to when you need help. It is so important.

Being a fitness fanatic, I had trained every day so far of the week. I took Sat. off instead of Sun. Although my stress level was high, I didn't emotionally eat, I stayed on track. When I woke up Sunday morning I took all my stress and anger out in the gym. I swear to you, it made me feel better inside and out. Monday I did the same, and today, I strength trained and CAN'T WAIT for yoga later this evening.

It's getting colder, the holidays are approaching, and there are going to be bad days. We are living in hard times, when you do have a bad day turn to someone that loves you and lean on them. Also, remember emotional eating will only make you feel worse.

Thank you for reading and no matter what shape and size you are, always love yourself!!!

When you are at a buffet or salad bar fill up on fresh veggies, not ones drenched in oil. Don't defeat the purpose of eating vegetables, try and eat as many raw or steamed as possible.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Nothing in Excess

As most of you who read this know, I read health journals, magazines, and watch a variety of television shows on health and fitness daily. It seems recently I have stumbled on a topic everyone is talking/writing about. The topic of excess.

You can relate this topic to anything and everything, and there are consequences. Anything in excess will harm you. If you train to much, to long, for to hard you will tire your muscles and most likely injure yourself. If you sleep in excess (typically 9 or more hours a night) you will feel sluggish and overly tired. If you eat in excess you will gain weight. This is just to name a few.

Take a look at your life, your day, and make sure you are not in excess. Life is all about balance.

Thank you for reading and no matter what shape and size you are, always love yourself!!!


For those of you who love ice cream and can't seem to give it up, here is an example of how you can still have your ice cream but Not in excess, and no more than once a week: 1 single serving container of Ben & Jerry's Mint Chocolate Cookie ice cream topped with 1 cup sliced fresh strawberries. This is only 253 calories.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Learn how to use equipment

My wonderful mother is visiting me. I love her dearly, however, she is unhealthy. As she was unpacking her things, I was shocked when she pulled out her prescription bag. I understand that she's older, (in her 50's), and when you get older you might need some pharmaceutical aid, but I hated seeing all those bottles.

Now that I am a fitness professional my mother seemed to listen and pay more attention to me in regards to health and fitness. She even let me train her in the gym yesterday, that made me sooooooo happy. She has joined a gym and is trying to lose weight, but she doesn't know how to use any of the machines, which got me thinking.

The equipment in gyms are intimidating if you don't know how to use them correctly. This makes people stay away from them. If you are a member in a gym and are unsure, intimidated, scared, etc. to use the equipment, then please ask an employee for some assistance. Do not try and figure it out yourself, you can risk injury. Remember that you pay for a service and it comes with your membership. Most gym employees are happy to show you what the machines can do.

Thank you for reading and no matter what shape and size you are, always love yourself!!!


Take a look at your pots and pans and make sure they have not worn down. If they have you may be putting your health at risk.

Friday, October 8, 2010

lose a pound a week

It's Friday evening, the weekend is officially here. Hope this week was good for all of you. I had a very busy, productive week. My training has been really strong, I am progressing well. Today I trained my back and shoulders, I Incorporated a new exercise and I'm pretty it!

I read fitness magazines and journals everyday to find different ways to exercise and keep my mind, body, and soul healthy. An article that struck me was on weight loss and the aftermath. There has been studies that have proven if you lose a lot of weight really fast, that a high percentage of people end up putting the weight back on.

The success stories were of people who aimed to lose one to one and a half pounds a week. This means it might take you a bit longer to hit your goal. You will, however, keep it off.........which is ultimately what we all strive for.

To lose a pound a week you need to have a 500 calorie deficit a day. Remember, a pound is 3500 calories. So, 500 x 7 =3500. If you are struggling with weight loss, try and cut back 500 calories a day. In time you will reach your goal without depriving yourself of meals and needed nutrients.

Thank you for reading and no matter what shape and size you are, always love yourself!!!


Keep each meal focused on one bold, hot flavor. Loading your plate with too many tastes or aromas may trigger the production of hunger-inducing hormones that can make you overeat without realizing it. Keep the flavor simple but make it stand out. Go for spices like crushed red pepper, paprika, and chili powder, all of which contain capsaicin, a compound that may increase satiety and help you eat less.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Find a healthy release

It's been rainy here in LA, the weather has officially changed. I've had a VERY "off" day. I woke up early, it was things as usual, however, as the day progressed it kept getting worse and worse. Usually I can shake it with a Tony Robbins CD, happy music,.......something. I couldn't shake it.......until yoga.

I'll be honest, I was sitting in my apartment ready to just pull the covers over my head and call it a day. My yoga studio is in Santa Monica, it was raining, and I didn't feel like the drive from Hollywood. I called one of my best friends, and yoga partner, he couldn't make class. He told me to go, that it would make me feel better, and he was right.

I'm starting to get really in tune with my emotions and now I am certain that if I'm having a bad day, an easy fix is yoga. The best way to explain how I'm feeling now is simply: at peace. I was able to release the bad day I was having, shut down my mind, and have an intense workout (I pushed myself like a maniac).

We live in a crazy, hectic world where stress is thrown at us sometimes at all angles. I encourage you to explore how you can release your stress with a form of exercise. Most people turn to food and start emotional eating, don't be like most, use your stress to become healthier.

Thank you for reading and no matter what shape or size you are, always love yourself!!!


There are about 3500 calories in one pound. An easy way to calculate your calorie intake is recording it in a diary. The iphone offers a food diary app., daily burn. You can download it free at

Monday, October 4, 2010

Don't be afraid of the good fats

Today was endurance training, I had a journal to read so I decided to ride the bike. The journal was so good that I rode almost 20 miles....I couldn't stop reading. I burned a lot of calories, I am trying to gain muscle mass, which means I have to consume more calories today than normal.

The journal I read was on fats, and how your body needs fats. It started off by stating how fad diets are bad for you, which I agree. I believe you need balance in your body, deprivation of a macronutrient is bad, bad, bad. It stated that when most people are trying to lose weight, they get afraid of fat and try and cut it out completely.

What REALLY interested me is that they gave great examples of high fat populations whom heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and obesity are unheard of. One of the populations were historical Eskimo's. Despite consuming an extremely high fat diet comprised of mostly whale blubber, seal fat, cold water fish, and organ meat, this population generally are healthy because there food and fats are natural and unprocessed.

Bottom line: EATING GOOD FATS DOES NOT MAKE YOU FAT! Just don't do it in excess and watch out for processed, refined foods. Some examples of good fats that you should consume are: extra virgin olive oil, avocados, pecans, macadamia's, almonds, salmon, and flax seeds to name a few.

Thank you for reading and no matter what shape or size you are, always love yourself!!!


Before you go grocery shopping, eat a meal. Never go to the grocery store hungry. Many studies have shown if you shop while hungry you will buy more junk foods. Plan out your meals, make a list, and stick to it.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Your health affects your loved ones

If you live in LA then you understand the heat wave we have been in. Yesterday I went hiking with one of my girlfriends and let me just say, it was much more difficult in the heat. I just got in from training and I am wiped out. Today I did intervals on the bike, followed with rubber band exercises, and ab work using a stability ball.

I went to the gym later than usual because I got sucked in to Dr. Phil's television topic. Today his show was centered around two women with anorexia, and it completely broke my heart. What struck me was how the anorexia destroyed the entire family. Parents fighting, siblings getting forgotten, and making rules for the disorder, were just a few of the points the family members shared.

If you are unhealthy, mentally or physically, please think about the people who love you and how it affects them. Watching someone you love fall apart is a horrible thing. Please seek out help, and try to make changes to become healthy for every one's sake.

Thank you for reading and no matter what shape or size you are, always love yourself!!!


If you are going to a party or out to dinner, spoil your appetite by eating an apple or a handful of nuts. This way you won't be ravenous when the h'orderves or appetizers arrive.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Make sure to see your Dr.

Yesterday was my annual physical so I thought I would touch base on the subject. It's not the funnest thing to do, but it is absolutely necessary to keep up your health. For the first time I was excited to see my Dr., she's one of the Dr.'s on the TV show, The Doctors, and won a daytime Emmy this year. It was nice to see her and congratulate her in person, she's pretty fabulous!

I write this in regards to fitness because if you are not healthy, then you won't feel 100%, and therefore it will affect your workouts and could even be the reason why you can't seem to make it to they gym. Energy is key to training, and when you are ill your energy level goes down.

I am an extremest when it comes to my health, I pay a lot of money every month for good insurance, and I have a team of doctors whom know me well. Yes, it's a bit much for some people, but you have to remember that I am an actress, my body is my tool, it's my job to keep it healthy. You don't need a team, but find a general physician that you trust.

Please, please, please, if you haven't had your annual physical in over a year find a doctor and schedule an appointment immediatly. Cancer can strike any person at any age and the strongest way to beat it is with early detection. If you are like many Americans and can't afford insurance, call around, many physicians offer discount rates for a basic physical.

Thank you for reading and no matter what shape or size you are, always love yourself!!!


An easy way to remember to schedule your annual physical is to do it on your birthday. You won't be able to forget.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Venture out

Today a really good friend of mine had a birthday, pool, spa, fitness party. She loves working out and swimming, so she had her closest friends over for a day in the sun. It was so much fun.

I used her gym, of course, and had a fantastic workout. Her gym had different equipment and I was able to work my muscles in different ways. You always need to change your routine in order to keep your body from plateauing. I recommend changing it up every three months.

Most gym's give their members free guest passes. I encourage you to ask a few friends if they have one. You can even go down and ask to try the facility out, and most likely they will allow you a free day. Try a new gym and feel the difference.

Thank you for reading and no matter what shape or size you are, always love yourself!!!


When you are in the mood for pizza, instead of two slices of standard pepperoni pizza, switch to a thin crust and top with chicken breast, peppers, spinach, onion, and mushrooms. This will save you around 160 calories.

Thursday, September 23, 2010


Every day I make it a point to read bare minimum 2 journals on success. Some are long, some are short, but they all seem to have the same points. I read these daily to ingrain it in my head. A factor to success that most of these journals have in them that really sticks out to me is that you need to make time for yourself and practice meditation.

Today is Thursday and I will be attending yoga this evening. I practice yoga at least once a week. It's an hour and a half practice that is not only hard for me strength wise, (I get a good workout in), but it's a form of meditation. After yoga I always feel extremely centered and at piece. Most of the time it is simply the best part of my week.

If you've been reading my blog you also know I avidly practice Tony Robbin's programs, and I implement his "hour of power" every morning. In his hour of power you do many things, one in which meditate. Since I have added this to my daily routine, (Feb.), my stress level has gone down considerably. It's my time for me, and it has helped me tremendously.

There are many different classes, applications, and ways to meditate. Find a way that works for you and begin your journey of peace.

Thank you for reading and no matter what shape or size you are, always love yourself!!!


Power up your salad. The darker the green, the healthier the salad. If you love the crunch of iceberg then mix in some herbs. Basil, parsley, mint, and cilantro are loaded with antioxidants, like vitamin C.

Saturday, September 18, 2010


Today has been a fantastic day. I have literally spent all day in gyms. I trained two clients back to back right when I woke up. I was feeling a bit tired, and realized I needed my daily dose of training. I went to the gym with a friend and had a blast.

I know this might sound redundant but if you are having trouble getting to the gym then call a friend to get you there. I typically train alone, and today it was different because I was with someone. The workout went faster, and I got to share time with someone I love.

The biggest reason people claim why they don't go to the gym or workout is due to time. Call a good friend today and make plans to help each other get healthy. There is no time like right now!!!

Thank you for reading and no matter what shape or size you are, always love yourself!!!


When you decide to indulge (i.e. pasta, pizza,etc.), eat a salad and drink a big glass of water to fill up a little. You will eat a smaller portion of the treat and feel less guilty.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Oh my zucchini!!!

Yesterday I made my stop at my favorite natural food store, Erewhon, for my weekly supply of Kombucha. In the store they were having food demonstrations with samples. The very first table at the entrance I quickly glanced at, it was pasta (or so I thought), which I never consume, so I kept on walking.

Picking up my Kombucha I sampled a delicious raw food bar. The demonstrator asked me if I tried the zucchini up front. I was very confused, so I went back up front. THE PASTA WAS ACTUALLY STRINGS OF ZUCCHINI AND IT WAS DELICIOUS! I couldn't believe that I was consuming a vegetable and not a grain. The sauce was pesto with a hint of parmesan cheese, and some ground nuts sprinkled on top. This meal was absolutely delicious.

The demonstrator, Kimberly Zimmerman, is one of the owners. Her restaurant is: Good to Go Restaurants, vibrant food for vibrant living. It's in Huntington Beach, but she sells pre-packaged meals in Erewhon and Whole Foods. The meals are 90% raw, and all organic. In Erewhon they were around $9 per meal.

I stood and talked to this wonderful woman for awhile, she was so informative, it was great. When I asked her about the calorie and fat content she made me aware that there is high fat, but because it's good fat (olive oil, nuts, pesto, parmesan cheese), your body uses it for energy instead of storing it. Seriously, this dish was so good, I am so excited that I have found this treasure!!!!! Healthy and yummy, what a fabulous combination!!!!

Thank you for reading and no matter what shape or size you are, always love yourself!!!


When your having a sweet tooth craving eat some honey. Honey is an immunity boosting sweetner, which is also rich in cancer-fighting polyphenols. Try drizzling it over wholegrain bread or add it to your greek yogurt to make a dip for fruit.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

My new toy

I just had a fantastic day training. I'm really trying to gain muscle mass in my arms, today, boy did I push myself. If you can afford a vacation, I HIGHLY recommend it. Since my return from the Dominican Republic, I have been bursting with energy. I re-charged my battery so to speak.

Yesterday a long awaited package came. I was so excited to see the federal express woman, you would have thought a pair of designer heels were at my door. What came was my fabulous digital body fat tester. I wanted a specific model, it has been on back order, and it FINALLY arrived.

It is absolutely essential to monitor your progress. Keeping a body fat percentage is a very easy way to do so. Most women don't like this idea, but I swear, when the # goes down because of the hard work and dedication you have done, it feels AMAZING!!!!! It's good to track your progress, so you can reward yourself, and it empowers you to keep up with your regimen.

If you are uncomfortable with this situation, then measure your progress simply by how your clothes are fitting. THROW OUT YOUR SCALE!!!!! I am not a fan of scales, I think they are inaccurate and create bad obsessions. Muscle weighs more than fat, if you are strength training, then you will loose inches but gain pounds. The only time I get weighed is at the Dr.'s office.

Thank you for reading and no matter what shape or size you are, always love yourself!!!


Just 10 minutes of exercise can boost your metabolism for an entire hour. Wake up ten minutes earlier (or more), exercise, and start your day right!!!!!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Be happy with what you were given

I almost took today off from training, however, my schedule this week is a little more hectic than usual...... so I made myself get to the gym. Once I was there, I kicked major butt and have now started off my week strong. What a great feeling!

Last night I read a very interesting article from Governor Schwarzenegger's daughter, Katherine. She has a book coming out called, Rock What You've Got (when I host my book club this will be my choice book). In the article I read, she opened up about how for years she disliked the way she looked. Now, she embraces her looks, and is trying to start a body image revolution, teaching woman to love what they were given.

We all go through times where we are unhappy with some aspect of our figure, that's absolutely normal. However, I'd really love for you to think about yourself and your body and really appreciate what you were given. I'm on the shorter side, I will never have long legs......and that's ok, I'm still happy with my 5'4 frame.

Thank you for reading and no matter what shape or size you are, always love yourself!!!


To burn extra calories jump rope through your strength-training moves. Ten minutes of fast skipping burns 128 calories (it's only 10 minutes, you can do it).

Sunday, September 12, 2010

A little inspiration

Friday I went out to dinner with a friend in downtown LA, after dinner we attended the Downtown Los Angles Film Festival. It was a lot of fun. Saw some good flicks, ate yummy food, and caught up with a great girlfriend. I also met an unbelievable man, I'd like to tell his story in hopes for some inspiration.

As we sat down to look at the menu at Rivera, we all started talking about our food likes, dislikes, etc. I soon came to find that this man sitting across from me in the last year has lost 50 lbs........ and he did it all by himself. That is remarkable with or without help.

What made him make a lifestyle change is: when he went to the DR. his blood pressure was out of control. His Dr. wanted to give him prescriptions and be done with him. Instead he went on the Internet and decided he would get healthy on his own . For one year he has eaten a macrobiotic diet, and hikes Runyon Canyon with his dog 4-7 times a week. If you aren't familiar with a macrobiotic diet, look it up online. It's extremely strict, but the health benefits are phenomenal.

A year later he went back to his Dr. and the problem was completely fixed. His Dr. actually didn't recognize him. We live in a crazy, hectic world, we put things off and claim to not have time to be healthy. To avoid this take simple steps everyday to take care of yourself.

At the end of the night, I was really happy to have met my new friend. He inspired me and I hope he will inspire you as well! Through hard work and dedication he has changed his life.

Thank you for reading and no matter what shape or size you are, always love yourself!!!


Incorporate 2 tablespoons of golden flaxseeds to your daily diet. This seed has a number of health benefits. It aids in digestion and is great for your skin to name just a few. An easy way to incorporate golden flaxseeds is to add it to your daily shake (this is what I do), or you can sprinkle it over your salad or greek yogurt.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Basic nutrition

Wow, I just walked in from training and my arms are shaking. Lately I've felt like my arms have plateaued, so I changed things up, and went up on weights. I'm very excited to feel the soreness tomorrow.

I get many questions and emails regarding my diet and nutrition, so I thought that's what I'd focus on. Today I'm just going to give you the bare basics, and I will try to go into more detail in future blogs. Most people think all they have to do is train....boy are they wrong. Nutrition plays a vital role in sculpting the figure you desire.

The general rule is:

50-70% of your daily intake should be carbohydrates (body's main source for energy)
10-30% of your daily intake protein
10-30% of your daily intake fats

Now, depending on your goals is where you tweak the numbers. An example would be if you were trying to shed weight, then your fat would be closer to the 10% range. You don't have to be a fanatic like myself, just use your own gauge throughout the day. Try and think about food in a different way. When I consume food and nutrients I sit and think about how it will help protect, feed, and strengthen my body. I am also always thankful for my food (sounds cheesy but it's true)......there are many starving people in this world and I do not take for granted that food is always available to me.

Another very simple, easy, and effective tip is to look down at your plate. Fruits and veggies are essential in your daily diet. Before you eat a meal look down at your plate and make sure it is filled with color. Colorful fruits and veggies have the most nutrients in them. You should see bright green and red to name a few. If your plate has no color then get up and add some.

I also want to stress that I do indulge in one bad meal a week. I love love love Mexican food and pizza, I don't deprive myself of these foods. I know that somewhere in my week I will have my "fix", and this is enough to keep me from binge eating. It's my way of rewarding myself for something I've done or accomplished throughout the week.

Thank you for reading and no matter what shape or size you are, always love yourself!!!


If you want to reduce calories, buy flavored coffee and drink it black. Recently I purchased Tully's hazelnut coffee from Ralph's and it's pretty yummy. You honestly don't need creamer or sugar. I read an article stating that most American's injest to much sugar, this is a simple way to cut back.

Thursday, September 9, 2010


Last night my good friend, Lee Knaz, invited me over to his home for Jewish New Year's. He is a finalist on the Gordon Ramsey reality show, Masterchef, and had a viewing party after dinner. Lee is from Israel, and cooked a delicious gourmet Israeli dinner for his girlfriend and close friends. It was such a great way to experience another culture's New Year's dinner. I'm happy to say Lee has made it to the final round, let's hope next week he will take the title of America's first Masterchef.

Today I had a really great, intense, hike with a neighbor of mine from Norway. She is a singer/songwriter and on the way to the canyon she played me her music. Her name is Antionnette, and as soon as her music gets released in the states, I'll let you know. She's incredibly talented, and her music is upbeat and makes you want to move. It was so nice during our hike to learn about her way of living.

So, I've been reflecting on all this culture that has been presented before me. That's one great thing about living in LA, people come here from all over the world. I feel as though it helps you grow and expand as a human being. It's made me want to learn more, especially in regards to fitness. There are all kinds of great classes you can take. I think I might try an African zumba class next.

Thank you for reading and no matter what shape or size you are, always love yourself!!!


Carry healthy snacks with you at all times. You should eat a meal or snack every four hours. Long stretches without food lower blood sugar and send your body into conservation mode, slowing your metabolism. My favorite protein bar that I always have on me is Think Thin, or I carry single serving bags of raw, unsalted, almonds.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

I'm back re-charged

Happy Tuesday! I hope everyone had a safe, fabulous, Labor Day weekend. Mine was very mellow, I've been playing catch up since my return from the Dominican Republic. The best word I can describe DR is simply: paradise. I have never traveled to the Caribbean, and knew very little about DR, my girlfriend was the one who researched it. It exceeded all of my expectations.

We stayed in an all inclusive, really nice, resort. This is, again, something I have never experienced. What sort of "shook" me was that the Dominican's were so happy. Every single one I came in contact with. They live in a third world country, make hardly any money, and they are filled with happiness. So polite and was so refreshing, and put things into perspective for me.

The food for me was the only weakness on the trip (are you surprised). I guess you can say I'm a picky eater, but I made do and took all my vitamins and supplements. On the island there were hardly any greens.....I was going crazy. I wanted my spinach, kale, asparagus, broccoli, etc. Like I said, I made do, it was my vacation.

The fitness center on the resort was awesome! I got up every morning and trained. I did notice that due to the humidity my training was more difficult. It made me realize that athletes who live in humidity have an advantage over the rest of us.......which is cool, I have never thought about climate in the sense of training.

During my whole trip I never once made a phone call or went online, it was really lovely to be away from mass media. Now, I'm back in LA re-charged ready to excel in all my endeavors. It's pretty fabulous how going away will do that to you, and I can't wait for yoga later this evening!

Thank you for reading and no matter what shape or size you are, always love yourself!!!


When you order a salad substitute nutrient enriched spinach for the iceberg lettuce. Beleive me when I say, I missed this on my trip.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Off to the Caribbean

Sorry I haven't written that much this week. When I say I've had horrendous allergies.......... it's an understatement. I had a boudoir photo shoot Weds. and that took every bit of energy in me. I'm finally feeling better.

I just came from the gym, today I focused on my glutes and hamstrings with some ab work (I perform ab work every training session). I spend a full training session focusing on these two body parts because that is my "problem area", so to speak. You know, the place that you need to constantly be cautious of......make sure there is no jiggle and if there is wipe it out as soon as possible.

I leave for my vacation to the Caribbean in a few hours! I can't express how excited I am. I rarely take vacations like this, I am changing that aspect of my life. I'm going with one of my dearest girlfriends and we are going to relax and enjoy life. What I have noticed since we purchased our package is that when things would normally bother me, I would think to myself, "whatever, I'm going on vacation in xxxx amount of days". I think going away really does something for your mood and energy. If you can afford it, please plan a vacation with someone you love. I am certain that I will come home from this trip re-charged and ready to take on LA. There is a beautiful fitness center in the resort, so I will be training every day, I will try to write at least one blog.

Thank you for reading and no matter what shape or size you are, always love yourself!!!


Start planning a vacation today! If you can't afford an elaborate vacation, then plan a special day trip with someone you love, it does wonders!!!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Wiped out

Yesterday my allergies severely kicked my butt. I was forced to take it easy....a term that is very foreign to me. My weekend trip to Santa Barbara was so nice, reconnecting with an old childhood friend did wonders for me. I grew up in a small town in Northern California. I'm very fortunate that my friends from where I grew up I knew my whole childhood, and I have some damn good friends, they were all really good, honest people. Life was simple then, something I will cherish forever. I followed up my weekend with the John Mayer concert at the Hollywood Bowl Sunday evening. I went with girlfriends I work with and had the best time, John actually sounds much better live.

So now, it's Tuesday, and I'm rested feeling much better than yesterday. I'm contemplating what I will train in the gym today. I did light cardio yesterday, I wanted to try and sweat out my didn't work. The thing I have to remember is that when you are not at 100% you have to take it easy, if you don't it will only make you feel worse.

Today I will most likely strength train my legs with 5 exercises, no cardio. I'm going to try and do the circuit 3 times, but if I can only manage 2 then that's fine. I'll end with reverse crunches and stretching. It will be under an hour.

Please remember while your under the weather to take it easy. If I were completely sick with a cold I wouldn't train at all. It's my allergies, so I know i"m able to still use my body and not weaken my immune system.

Thank you for reading and no matter what shape or size you are, always love yourself!!!


This is a simple exercise that everyone has time for and can do at home. The basic plank: Get into push-up position, and rest on your fore-arms, with knees and stomach off the floor and back and butt parallel to the ground. Hold for 30, 60, or 90 seconds. Do this three times four days a week. This strengthens your core and helps with posture.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Find your inner child

I had trouble falling asleep last night, for a great reason.....because I was excited for today. A friend whom I grew up with recently contacted me, he lives pretty close (Santa Barbara) and invited me to get out of crazy LA and relax in SB. I'm not working until Sat. so once again, I've done the unthinkable, I am being spontaneous and getting out of town. I'm a very structured person, I plan everything and have many daily routines, it makes it difficult for me to leave town, but everyone needs a break once in awhile, and catching up with an old friend is pretty fabulous!

I woke up feeling like a child......this made me think of a recent article I read on Marisa Tomei. Marisa Tomei is a talented academy award winning actress, in her forties, whom looks great. She is the cover girl of this months Shape magazine (aka my bible).

The article focused on how she has fun, like a child. I have read a TON of fitness magazines, the cover girl shares their workout plans and it usually consists of strength training with a celebrity personal trainer. Marisa's feature was on a weighted hula-hoop. Plane and simple. I thought it was fantastic, and it has made me want to purchase one. I love the fact that she is a mega-star and still has fun.

Don't ever loose your childish instincts.....have some fun today!!!

Thank you for reading and no matter what shape or size you are, always love yourself!!!


Cut back on your sodium intake. Sodium is really bad for you, and retains your water. Read the labels on your food and don't consume anything that has over 600 milligrams of sodium. Reading your labels and knowing what your putting in your body is essential.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Try training with a friend

It was a hot day in Hollywood. Hot here is in the eighties, it was a gorgeous day. Now it's evening and starting to cool down. I'm going out with some friends for dinner tonight, so I'm going to relax a bit and read.

This morning I really enjoyed training. A girl whom I bartend with drove over and we trained together. I love sharing my routines with people, it completely makes me happy. I typically train by myself, and what I noticed today was that with a friend, it didn't seem so long.

During our training session we started out with 25 minutes of cardio, then we performed 3 circuits consisting of full body strength training. I don't know if I was just so happy to have a friend over, or to teach and share........whatever the reason I swear to you, the time flew.

Sometimes having someone to talk with or just having a physical body with you is all you need. This week call a friend whom you want to spend some time with and schedule a gym session. You will not only build a quality friendship, but it will also help push you and distract you from looking at the clock.

Thank you for reading and no matter what shape or size you are, always love yourself!!!


If you have cut out soda (please do so), and our missing the fizz, a great drink to try is Kombucha. Kombucha is a chinese tea that supports: digestion, metabolism, immune system, apptetite control, weight control, liver function, body alkalinity, anti-aging, cell integrity, and healthy skin and hair. I drink a serving of the multi-green Kombucha every day to get the algea, spirulina, and also keeps me from craving soda.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Instant Energy

If you have been following my blog recently, you would know that the last week my energy level has been lower than normal. The human body is so complicated, sometimes this just happens. Last night I got a decent nights sleep, but I still didn't want to get up this morning, until I made a phone call.

Today is one of my very best friend in the whole world's birthday. As soon as I opened my eyes I turned on my cell phone (I turn mine off while I sleep), and left her a voicemail. I then rolled over and went back to bed. A little while later she called me back.

After our phone conversation I felt like superwoman. My best friend gave me so much energy.........just by hearing her voice. She's very special and has always been able to have that affect on me. I then did my hour of power and hit the gym. I had a phenomenal training session, and I have gotten a ton of stuff done today.

Tonight, before you go to bed take a moment and make a list of all the positive people that lift you up. Physically write it down and keep it in a safe place. Next time you need a little pick me up look at your list and make a phone call. You will be surprised how a little bit of love can boost your energy. Enjoy the evening!

Thank you for reading and no matter what shape or size you are, alway's love yourself!!!


A fast and easy way to get a pick me up that is healthier than a cup of coffee is wheat grass. Instead of sipping that cup of Joe, go to a smoothie shop for a shot of wheat grass. You can even by organic dried wheat grass at a health food store. I keep mine in my refrigerator and mix it with my daily protein shake.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Move your body

I'm a little embarrassed to write this: I slept in this morning, a little bit past noon. I had to work last night, so I didn't get to sleep until 3am, but that's late.... even for me. This week I have had a lower amount of energy, and I don't know why. Whenever I feel low in energy, I look back at what my diet was within the last 2-3 days. A lot of times low energy usually means your missing some important nutrient, if you eat a healthy diet.

My diet was in perfect balance this week, why I've been so tired is a mystery. Thursday I strength trained for about 40 minutes in the morning,I planned on going to yoga in the evening. It took everything in me to get up and go, but after my practice I felt soooooooooo good. My point here is that even when you are tired, low in energy, etc. still try and do something to move your body. If you have to take it down a notch, it's still better to get up, move, and do something.

After my fabulous nights sleep, I did my hour of power, and then decided to take it easy with my training. Instead of going down to the gym, I did pole work for a little more than an hour. It was a different way to exercise, but it was still quite effective. Whenever I train on my fitness pole I always add an ab routine. In performing pole work a powerful core is necessary for the inverts. Now it's the late afternoon, and I'm happy that I exercised.

On the days your feeling a little slower it is ok to take it a little easier, just make sure to do some type of movement.

Thank you for reading and no matter what shape or size you are, always love yourself!!!


A recent study of professionals with office jobs found that the subjects ate unhealthier lunches on the run. To stay trim, brown bag it. You save money, control over-eating with portion control, and stay in a healthier diet.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Don't be a prisoner

I woke up really early today, so by the time the afternoon rolled around I was able to watch some television. I wanted to watch Oprah, she was having a special on people who overcame their obesity with no surgeries or pills. As happy as I was for all these people, watching the show saddened me.

I think Oprah is one of the most remarkable people on this planet. She has dedicated her life to helping as many people as she can and has overcome numerous obstacles. Oprah is on a mission to get the American Obesity problem under control, I am with her on that. Getting back to the show, there were 21 people she featured. One by one they came out completely transformed and told their story.

The show was uplifting, I encourage you to watch it. It makes losing 20 lbs look really easy. What bothered me is that all of these people had a commonality......during their obesity they shared how they were prisoned in their bodies. I hate thinking there are people out there feeling like that, it breaks my heart. Each of these people had a moment, their "rock bottom" so to speak, something that made them say no to this imprisonment and change their lives.

If you are struggling with your weight and are feeling like a prisoner please make one simple change to break free. You can start by taking a 30 minute walk in the morning, then build from there. If your having a problem with binging and it's really bad and you have tried to control it and can't, ask someone who loves you to stay with you all night to help get you through it. One day can turn to ten, then twenty, then a hundred, and before you know it the problem will go away.

Thank you for reading and no matter what shape or size you are, always love yourself!!!


Instead of eating 3 large meals a day try and eat 5 small meals. Eating smaller amounts throughout the day keeps your metabolism up, you will burn more calories, and not feel the need to binge.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

My change

Today has been pretty incredible. I live in Los Angeles, all of my family is in Northern California, I miss my family dearly and rarely get to see them. My young, handsome, cousin Phillip got accepted into a private college down here. He and my uncle came down for a visit and on their drive home met me for breakfast today. It felt good to be with family in my town. I really love my family.

After they dropped me off I went to the gym and trained my arms and abs. This, like yesterday, was only a 45 minute routine. I have felt a little fatigue lately, I want to prevent injury so I'm trying to spend as little time as possible at the gym. Today I completed a session that was only 45 minutes, but it was a hard 45 minutes.

Next, a long term friend of mine picked me up and we did the unthinkable (for me). Today I booked and paid for a tropical vacation. This might not sound extreme for most of you, however, it's a big deal for me. I have a problem, and my problem is that I don't slow down......EVER. I never take breaks. There's always another class I enroll in, or someone I need to help, it's always something. I am a complete work-aholic. The last real vacation I took was 6 years ago to you know anyone who waits 6 years for a vacation....that's crazy, and yes, I did have a fairytale adventure to New York in Feb., but that was different, the man I was dating had to promote his film, so it was all about him. Don't get me wrong, it very well could have been the most incredible time of my life.....but it was also stressful. Being "on" if you will.

So, at the end of the month I am going to slow down, I am going to not check my email, or my phone, or submit myself for acting jobs. The resort is really nice and has an amazing fitness center, yes, I will spend and hour every morning working out, but that doesn't's my de-stressor. What I am trying to get across to you is that we all have faults, weaknesses, problems. Take an honest look at your life and examine yours, look at what might not be working and try to make one simple change to improve your happiness.

Thank you for reading and no matter what shape or size you are, always love yourself!!!


I have recently written about sleeping and how it is good for your health, well here is a fact: A harvard study of shift workers found that those who logged the least hours of slumber made the most unhealthy food choices and packed on more pounds than those who got sufficient amounts of shut-eye. Skimping on sleep increses levels of ghrelin, an appetite boosting hormone. It also ups the production of cortisol, a stress hormone that stimulates hunger. Bottom line, get the proper amount of sleep and you will eat less.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Change things up

This week I started my gym regimen differently. It's always good to change things up so you don't plateau. On Monday I usually endurance train on the bike or I perform my full body treadmill routine. I had to bartend last night, so I woke up a little later than normal and decided to work my glutes, hamstrings, and abs with balls and rubber bands.

The routine was only 45 minutes but I was burning the whole entire time. I want to stress that you do not need to spend multiple hours a day in a gym to see and feel results. Just make sure you are pushing yourself. After my workout I felt really good. I trained my muscles differently, I am sure I will be soar tomorrow. The general rule is if your not soar the next day after training, then you need to change the routine.

Have a fantastic evening and this week change at least one of your routines and feel the difference!

Thank you for reading and no matter what shape or size you are, always love yourself!!!


Most people think all sushi is healthy. Don't let those over sized specialty rolls fool you. Many specialty rolls incorporate fried fish, mayo-based sauces and even cheese. When going to a sushi restaurant make it healthier and stick with something simple (spicy tuna roll), and pair it with a cup of miso soup, a small seaweed salad, and a half a cup of edamame. This well rounded combo is about 445 calories.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Find Balance

Good morning! I love that it's Sat. morning and I've been up since 7 am. Bartending in night clubs takes a toll on my weekends, when I have a weekend night off I take complete advantage of it. I will also be training a client in about an hour, how fabulous!

I wanted to share yesterday with you. Friday was my "day off" from training. I train 6 days a week, this is because I am a professional, it's my job. I know exactly what I'm doing, and I will not injure myself or over-train any of my muscles. The average person only needs to train 3-5 days per week.

Yesterday I allowed myself to sleep in a bit, awoke to my hour of power (give thanks, pray, say incantations, visualize). Then a friend came over with lunch and downloaded a ton of new music on my computer for me. After we ate, we then went and saw Leonardo Dicaprio's new movie, Inception. Leo is one of my all time favorite actors, I have enjoyed watching him and have studied his acting his whole career. After the film, we went to a bookstore so I could get a new book. I recently joined a book club and have until Aug. 23rd to read Chelsea Handler's new one.

My friend then dropped me off and I decided to take a walk around my neighborhood. I walk to my bank in Larchmont Village. I checked out all the cool shops and really enjoyed myself and the neighborhood I call home. I then got some healthy groceries and had a long phone conversation with my sister. What a great day!

The reason I share this with you is because in order to be healthy and fit you need to find balance. You need to love yourself and do things that make you happy so you feel good. When you feel good you will have energy to make it to the gym, or exercise. It makes a huge difference. I spent years obsessed with my acting career: it's all I thought about and worked towards. I not only was miserable and depressed, but my career went nowhere because my "light" was out. This weekend do things that make you happy and spend time with people you love.

Thank you for reading and no matter what shape or size you are, always love yourself!!!


Your body needs 25 grams of fiber per day. Have a delicious bowl of oatmeal with some blueberries (antioxidants)in the morning. This will aid in your fiber intake and help with your digestion. Also, remeber to eat within 30 minutes of waking to start your metabolism. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Try this healthy breakfast for one week and you will feel the difference.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Alcohol consumption

I went out last night for dinner, drinks, and dancing with a bunch of my co-workers. It was so much fun, but I feel so slow today. I retired my drinking shoes, now I allow myself 2 glasses of wine or champagne a week. Hard liquor being completely off limits.

Last night I made an exception and had 3 glasses of champagne, I wasn't driving, and it was in a period of 4 hours. I feel slow today and don't like it. It has made me understand just how bad alcohol is for the human body. It's not only wasted calories, but the aftermath of drinking is what I really dislike.

Today it took everything in me to make it to the gym. I drank more caffeine than usual and although I wanted to make my training easy, I bucked up and performed my difficult full body treadmill routine I designed. Finally, I'm feeling much better, needed to sweat and push myself.

I understand we all need to relax and drinking alcohol is most every one's way of doing so. It's OK to drink, just drink in moderation and be aware of all the empty calories while your consuming alcohol. When a client comes to me in hopes of losing weight, the first thing I tell them is to cut out alcohol, you will be surprised how the weight will fall off when you quit drinking. I dare you party-goers to try it for a month.

Thank you for reading and no matter what shape or size you are, always love yourself!!!


If you are out drinking stay away from the mixed drinks or shots that are filled with sugar. Drink your drink with no juice or cola, ask for it on the rocks with a lemon or lime, by doing so, you eliminate a ton of calories.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Monitor your progress

I've had a late start to the day. I treated myself to sleeping in really late. I normally get my 7-8 hours a night, I slept much longer last night, and just allowed it. Sometimes you need to slow down and give in to rest. The key is to make sure it's rest, not depression. There is such a thing as to much sleep, if you are experiencing this, then I highly recommend seeing your physician.

Today I want to touch base on monitoring your progress. If you have a personal trainer or have hired a fitness professional then that's their job. If you are training on your own, then it's up to you. Today, a dear friend of mine, whom I've given a few routines to perform, sent me a thank you message that her body fat % was lower. She was ecstatic.

Monitoring your progress is essential. It helps you see what is working and what you might need to change. It's as easy as keeping a journal and writing down what you are performing. By monitoring your progress, you can see when you should be adding more weight to your strength training, changing your routines, evaluate if you are over-training, etc. In the case of my friend, she got great results today, and I'm sure because of these results it will motivate her to work even harder. When I was told the good news of her results, it inspired me and I started designing another routine for her, it made us both happy!

Thank you for reading and no matter what shape or size you are, always love yourself!!!


It's summer time and most people enjoy ice cream now and then to beat the heat. Here's a way you can still have ice cream and not feel so guilty. Pair smaller portions of ice cream with juicy, in season fruit. It will help you not over indulge, and you will get nutrients from the fruit. Just remember to keep the portion of ice cream SMALL!!!!!

Saturday, July 31, 2010

TRX the sequel

It is a beautiful day in LA. I just went out to run errands and it struck me that we are in summer. I have yet to go on a vacation, that is next on my agenda. This morning I played on my fitness pole I had installed in my apartment, and I loved it. My body is adjusting to the pole again, and I'm recalling all of the tricks and moves I learned in class. It takes an extreme amount of strength for the inverts, but it is so much fun!!!

Yesterday I trained for the second time with the fabulous TRX. The man who is training me on how to use it taught me new moves, it was a really difficult workout. The reason why I am supper impressed by the TRX is because it looks so simple. It's just a pair of suspension bands........but you can perform so many different moves with it...........and they are all hard. As I stated in one of my blogs this week, there are moves that I perform with balls, but being suspended you use different muscles, which makes the moves more difficult.

The TRX was made my a navy seal and is under $200, which I think is reasonable for all it can do. This is a piece of equipment that I plan on purchasing and will now incorporate it into my weekly fitness regimen. It has blown me away. You can even look it up on youtube if your searching for new moves, or need demonstrations. Many gyms are also offering TRX fitness classes, go and check one out!

Thank you for reading and no matter what shape or size you are, always love yourself!!!


Keep each meal focused on one bold flavor. Loading your plate with too many tastes or aromas may trigger the production of hunger-inducing hormones that can make you overeat without realizeing it.

Friday, July 30, 2010


It's Friday, another week gone. This week I have been a little more tired than usual, could be the full moon we were in, or just life, who knows. Although my energy has been lower, I haven't missed a gym session, and it hasn't changed my mood. All and all, it's been a pretty good week.

So let's talk about sleep. I thought I would write about it on a Friday because the majority of people have the weekend off. How much sleep do you get on a regular night? I would like you to honestly think back this week and figure it out. Most of our population does not sleep enough. If that is your case, then I beg you to make some changes.

Sleep goes hand in hand with being a healthy human being. You need sleep for a number of reasons. If you are training your muscles regularly you need sleep for the recovery process. Not to mention those who don't sleep enough have lower energy, are moody, overeat, have slow reflexes, and age, to name a few. Honestly, when you sleep enough (6-8 hours a night), you just feel better. I know life gets hectic and we live in a crazy world, but make sleeping a priority and you will experience it's fabulous benefits.

Thank you for reading and no matter what shape or size you are, always love yourself!!!


Eat your meal in the following order: Veggies first, then the protein, then the whole-grain carbohydrates. Having veggies first satisfies your stomach and your brain. Fiber packed veggies are filling, by the time you get to the carbs-the danger zone for many people-you'll be ready to stop.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

live, love, and learn

That's my motto for today. Live, love, and learn. That's pretty much life in general. I am feeling fantastic and I hope you are too! In the last six months I have gained so much clarity on what matters to me. I'm trying to take nothing for granted and live life to the fullest with the people I love.

After months of obsessing over the TRX strap system, I FINALLY used one with a partner yesterday. Can I just say I LOVE TRX!!!! It is amazing how many different exercises you can perform with just two straps. We did a full body circuit, and there were exercises that I do using balls, but with these straps I felt different muscles was fantastic. One of the greatest benefits to owning a TRX is that it's lightweight, you can take it anywhere, and mount it on any door. If you are a traveler, I highly suggest investing in one.

This morning I trained a friend of mine who is trying to prepare for a triathalon. Now that I am a fitness professional, it really made me feel good to work with someone. I loved every minute of it. I was able to use all the information that I have learned to help someone. I feel as though I have found one of my true purposes to life, something I was meant to do: help and serve, and it is the best feeling ever! I hope everyone reading this enjoys life, loves with an open heart, and learns from the mistakes made (mistakes are what helps shape us).

Thank you for reading and no matter what shape or size you are, always love yourself!!!


One 6 ounce container of nonfat, sugar free fruit yogurt makes for a healthy snack, however, the same amount of 2 percent Greek yogurt contains three times the filling protein (as much as a quarter cup of tuna) with just 112 calories. Instead of regular yogurt go for Greek!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Tony Robbins on NBC tonight!

Hello, hope you are all having a great day! I was having an off day yesterday and couldn't shake it. When I'm like that my rule is to call a friend who I know loves me and talk about it. I'm so glad I did because he told me that we are in a full moon cycle. When the earth experiences a full moon it changes the tides in the Ocean, well, our body is mainly made up of water, so it can disrupt human beings as well. After my conversation I went downstairs, did some endurance training on the bike for an hour, and I felt like me again.

So, I feel like a child before Christmas. My hero of all heroes, Tony Robbins', new show premieres tonight on NBC. I can't explain how this man has made a dramatic change in my life. I've been a fan of his for years, I started one of his programs again in Feb. I just keep going through it over and over, so, everyday I have a CD I get to listen to. Well, last week I reviewed all of the goals I have achieved since Feb. and I was amazed. His stuff does work, I promise to you. He has helped inspire me to change my life, help others, and feel good.

Now, there are many people who aren't into that stuff, and that's OK, it's your choice, and I respect it. However, for those of you readers out there who are looking to improve your quality of life and relationships......... I STRONGLY ENCOURAGE YOU TO WATCH HIS SHOW TONIGHT!!!!! C'mon what can it hurt, it's totally free, if your not inspired then all you did was waste a little time in front of the television. I'm pretty sure you'll be inspired though, and while your watching why don't you do some crunches in between commercial breaks, or grab a ball and squeeze it in between your thighs while sitting on your couch.

Thank you for reading and no matter what shape or size you are, always love yourself!!!


Before you go out to dinner or to a party eat an apple or a portion of nuts. If you do this you will be less likely to over eat and be glutenous.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Make it a great day!

My day yesterday was absolutely fabulous. It was so fabulous that I wanted to share it with you. I realize that most people have the weekend off, so I'm hoping to inspire you to have an amazing, healthy day.

I woke up after working the night before a little tired. I did my usual routine, drank my green tea (remember it's a proven fact that green tea in the morning jump starts your metabolism), made my oatmeal with blueberries, and did my hour of power (give thanks, pray, speak affirmations, visualize). Then I went grocery shopping and filled my refrigerator with healthy foods....already a great morning.

One of my best friends (Ben) has a boat in Marina Del Rey, he and a friend were taking the boat out, so I met them. While out on the boat we saw dolphins. It was really magical to see these beautiful creatures swimming. Once we docked, I, for the first time, worked one of those stand up surfboards where you paddle for movement . OMG, soooooooooooooooo much fun, not to mention a fantastic form of exercise. You use your stabilization muscles and core so you don't fall, as well as your arms and back for the rowing. As I was rowing through the channel I just kept thinking to myself how lucky I was to be there.

After the marina, Ben and I went to our yoga studio for class. Our regular teacher was absent :( but the substitute was really good. We had such a good yoga practice, so calm and centered and our muscles were tired. We followed yoga with a yummy dinner to catch up and spend time together. When I arrived home I quickly went to bed completely fulfilled, happy, and grateful.

I'm not married (hopefully one day), I don't have a hit television sitcom (yet), and I still have to bartend a few night's a week for survival............but I appreciate what I do have and try to make the best of each and every day given to me. This weekend make it a great (and healthy) day!!!!

Thank you for reading and no matter what shape or size you are, always love yourself!!!


Volunteering may also make you healthier: Studies show that those who donate their time (even less than an hour a week), have lower incidences of heart disease and depression, plus longer life expectancies. Input your zipcode and interests at: for oportunities in your area.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Get started today

Today my house guest departed, so I've been really busy playing catch up. I had an amazing workout and then spent over two hours listening to my main man, Tony Robbins, while cleaning my apartment. I'm the type of person that needs things in order, so I multi-tasked, and I feel really good.

I own almost all of Tony's programs. Today I re-visited "Get The Edge". It's a wonderful program that has helped me reach some of my goals, look at life differently, and like the way I feel. Today I realized how hard it is for people to start to make a change in their lives in regards to fitness, and I am determined to help.

First, I want to congratulate you. If you are reading this, that is the first step, which is wonderful. It means you really want get in a healthier state. You have taken the time to read what I have to say, which is a form of positive action. Now I am going to challenge you. Please do what I ask.

Within 24 hours will you please take some time out of your day and exercise for at least 30 minutes. If you are starting out, then even a brisk walk will do. If you aren't starting out, I would like you to push yourself in a way that you have not yet done. Whether that means adding ten pounds to your strength training, increasing your speed on your cardio machine, or taking a class that you have been afraid to take. Do something!

I think back to the many people who told me I should be a certified personal trainer. I made so many excuses: It's to expensive, I don't have the time, it will take away from my acting......blah blah blah. Even while I was in the program I got scared and wanted to quit, there was so much information that overwhelmed me......but I didn't, I pushed through and achieved a difficult goal. I hate that I waited this long to do it. Don't be like me and start today, please I beg you.

Thank you for reading and no matter what shape or size you are, always love yourself!!!


Instead of fat-free salad dressing have vinaigrette made with olive oil and vinegar. Your nonfat ranch may have fewer calories than the original, but many fat-free dressings contain a big amount of sugar, something most people already get to much of. Plus, the fats in an olive oil vinaigrette are healthy ones that your body needs.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Find a passion!

Happy Monday everyone, I can't believe it's already the evening. I still have a guest staying with me, so my day has been off schedule. I did however manage to make it to the gym, of course, and perform my treadmill routine. I try and perform this routine once a week, or I rotate it with my endurance training on the bicycle. My treadmill routine consists of basic running, interval hills, sprinting, 10lb hand weights, side shuffling, and walking lunges. It's a full body routine I designed, it's pretty difficult, but the rewards are fabulous!

As most of you know, I fractured my ankle in Dec., and was unable to walk for a couple of months. Due to this injury I had to quit one of my passions: aerial pole dancing. Well, now that my injury has pretty much healed, for my birthday in May I bought an x-pole sport and recently had it installed in my living room. I can't begin to tell you how good it makes me feel to be practicing on my pole. This is a form of exercise that challenges my strength, (I perform acrobats), as well as just makes me happy. I was stressed out the other day, so I turned my music on, and played on my pole..... it completely changed my mood.

Take 15 minutes tonight and make a list of what form of movement or exercises makes you feel good. What are you passionate about that involves physical activity? Some examples could be yoga, hiking outdoors, salsa dance classes, rollerblading, taking a walk along the beach....the list goes on and on. Whatever your passionate about, go out and start doing it. Life is short, please try to find joy in every day. Have a beautiful, healthy night!

Thank you for reading and no matter what shape or size you are, always love yourself!!!


Sip before you snack. A nutritionist I met recently told me the nerve signals that go to your brain don't differentiate between hunger and thirst. This means if you think your starving you may just be thirsty.

Friday, July 16, 2010


A friend of mine is staying with me for a few days while she finds an apartment, so my day was off to a late start. I just got in from the gym and had a package waiting for me. I purchase my protein and supplements through, this website has the best deals, check it out! Today I trained my back and shoulders and I am beat, I increased my weights and decreased my repetitions, I also did a ton of core work, had a great workout.

My younger cousin who lives in Northern California takes an annual vacation to Disneyland. Every year I meet him, take him to lunch, and spend the day with him. Yesterday at Disneyland I was seriously horrified from American obesity.

I live in Hollywood, where a big majority of the population takes care of themselves, I was not ready for what I saw yesterday. I want to first state that my horrification was not on looks, vanity stuff, I don't care if a person is "hot" or not, I was just extremely saddened by how unhealthy people are.

As I was sitting at a bench drinking black coffee, all I did was watch human beings. I counted over 35 people stroll past me before someone who was not obese did. That is what our population is??? All I could think about were that these human beings are going to die early. Cardiovascular disease is the #1 killer in this country, not to mention diabetes, stroke, hypertension, etc.

Please if you read this, I beg you to try and make some sort of changes. To live a healthy life isn't just about adding exercise to your day, it's about making the commitment to change your lifestyle. Breaking bad habits, adding healthy nutrients, and having a support network you can call on when you need help or that extra inspiration. Let's please work on becoming a healthier country for yourself and the ones who love you.

Thank you for reading and no matter what shape or size you are, always love yourself!!!


Research shows that interval training (when you alternate bursts of fast, intense activity with slower, more moderate movement), burns more calories and fat than traditional cardio. This weekend I dare you to try it out, 20-30 minutes is all you need!!!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

New Music

I am happy to say my bruised big toe is all better. I ran like a mad woman today. After my running exercise I used rubber bands, 2 different size balls, and a 12 lb. weight for my hamstrings and glutes (butt). I was really tired this morning, I had my final session with the dentist yesterday, my mouth was still hurting, so I waited util the late afternoon for my training, and it was great!

I recently got 2 new Cd's. Eminem's: Recovery, and Enrique Iglesias: Euphoria. These are two totally different artists in every kind of way, but both of these albums are fabulous. I'm a HUGE Eminem fan, yes he can be a bit extreme, but the man is a genius and I love love love his music. Recovery is his seventh CD, and in my opinion, it's his best. Seriously, every single song is so good. I was listening to it during my running, it helped me through the difficult parts of my routine.

What music inspires or drives you? What songs give you instant energy? Think about it, and tomorrow when your about to quit your workout, play one of them, and go those extra minutes. In a month those extra minutes sure add up!

Thank you for reading and no matter what shape or size you are, always love yourself!!!


According to a recent study from Britain's Brunel University, people who listened to faster paced music while on the treadimill exercised for 15 percent longer than thos who didn't. Most single songs are relatively cheap on itunes. Treat yourself to a few new tunes and have a longer workout!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Yay for Spain, my blood!!!

I really hope all of you watched the 2010 World Cup yesterday. If you didn't, Spain won the tournament. It is the first ever win for Spain, my ancestors from my mothers side are from Spain, so it was special to me.

I really loved watching the World Cup this year. Think about it, every four years international teams with men from all over the world fight over a ball. It is fascinating. They do whatever it takes: slide, headbutt, kick, etc. It is so hot, not to mention the training these men do.

I've never enjoyed playing soccer, I am not a contact sport girl, but I can sure appreciate it. It takes an incredible amount of endurance, speed, and agility. If you are looking for a fabulous way to tone your body, I encourage you to join a team.

Thank you for reading and no matter what shape or size you are, always love yourself!!!


If you are anemic and having trouble absorbing iron, take your iron pill with 4-5 grape tomatoes. It has all the nutrients your body needs to absorb iron. This was told to me by a Dr. I am iron deficient and when I started doing this my iron went up drastically. Especially while woman are menstruating extra iron is needed.