Monday, November 21, 2011

Thanksgiving Tips!

Good afternoon. Hope you are all having a fabulous morning! Monday's are early for me, I wake up at six and pretty much I am busy all day. I do however, always make time for my personal training, and so should you!!!

Thanksgiving is a few days away and with this beautiful holiday comes over-eating, binging, and getting off track. Let me give you a few simple tips to fight the holiday bulge.

First, get up and exercise in the A.M. This will raise your heart rate which in turn burns calories. You will burn more throughout the day by warming up your body. It's like warming up your car, an hour later if you touch the hood, it's still warm.

Second, eat the white meat of the Turkey. The white Turkey meat has fewer fat and calories.

Third, stay away from snacking. If you know you are going to be eating a high calorie dinner then don't eat the snacks or apetizers. Eat a healthy breakfast i.e. oatmeal with blueberries, and stay away from the snack foods.

Fourth, If you are going to consume a traditional Thanksgiving meal with mashed potatoes, dressing, etc....skip desert. Choose one or the other. Have some healthy white meat with a salad if your going to eat desert. Don't do both.

These are just simple tips......USE THEM and stay on track this week!!!

Thank you for reading and no matter what shape and size you are, always love yourself!!!


Make your own cranberry sauce with fresh cranberries and small amount of natural sweetner (agave nectar, honey, etc).

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Monday, November 7, 2011

Always start off your week strong!

Happy Monday! I just walked in from my training session and as I sit here and drink my protein shake while I type, I feel very grateful. I start of every morning in gratitude but this afternoon I'm really taking it in. Today I had an unbelievable day at the gym and I am just really thankful for it.

I try and stress to all my clients or friends I am helping to start your week off strong. Meaning, put a hardest workout in on Monday. By doing this it will give you momentum to push yourself through the week. If you don't believe me, I dare you to try it.

As a fitness fanatic and fitness professional training is part of my daily life. I understand that for most people it's not that easy. When you start making it a habit to get to the gym, say like brushing your teeth, it just becomes part of your routine.

Start your week of hard, push yourself today so that tomorrow will seem a bit easier. Start your week off strong and you will be surprised at the end of the week what you have accomplished. In any case, please make it a point to exercise and take care of yourself today.

Thank you for reading and no matter what shape and size you are, always love yourself!!!


My cardio today was hardcore, make yours hardcore as well. Start off with a warm up for ten minutes, then the next ten minutes sprint your heart out, remember to take 30 second breaks for recovery, and when I say sprint, I'm meaning where the last ten seconds are DIFFICULT and almost make you stop!!!


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Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Get in the Gym

Hope everyone had a happy Halloween and didn't over indulge in candy. I had a ton of fun and celebrated on Sunday night. I can't believe it's already Weds. I have been incredibly busy today, training many clients in the morning. When I got to my personal session, I was feeling wiped out.

In the afternoon, I ate a healthy, small meal, did some computer work, and mustered up the energy to get myself to the gym. I repeat I was a feeling wiped out and tired.......but all I needed was to get in the gym and I was ready to go. I turned on my music and had a freakin fantastic session. I really pushed myself.

My point is: sometimes when your tired all it takes is to physically get to the gym. I was going to go light today with low impact work and I ended up doing a hardcore full body routine with interval training for cardio. All I needed was to physically place myself around the machines.

MAKE IT TO THE GYM won't be sorry.

Thank you for reading and no matter what shape and size you are, always love yourself!!!


Change up your cardio with intervals, you will burn more calories in less time. Find your "steady" where you can talk without it being to difficult and every other minute raise it to where you can't hold a conversation. Perform 5-10 intervals.

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Thursday, October 27, 2011


I am warning you....this blog will be a bit hokey...but fabulous! Last week I went to a Q & A featuring funny man actor, Josh Radnor. I love hearing successful people speak, it gives me motivation, and I believe you learn from other successful humans, regardless of their profession. What I loved hearing Mr. Radnor talk about was that he is big on meditation, he's been practicing for 8 years.

If you've been reading my blog, you know that, I too, am big on meditation. I first practice meditating every morning in my Tony Robbins, "Hour of Power", but I also find yoga a great form of meditation. I'm an over analytical thinker, and I swear to you, while I am meditating, my brain is clear and shut off. It's oh so wonderful.

So what is meditation? Honestly, it's whatever you make of it. Meditation is for you, and how you clear your mind. I've been fortunate to attend a guided mediation with my yoga instructor on our yoga retreat. I've also done the guided meditation on the iphone app. Guided meditation is when the instructor is there to tell you when to breathe and for how long to hold the breathe. Since yoga is all about breathe, it is a form of meditation.

Bottom line, meditating can be long, short, with someone, or alone. All it really is about is breathing and stilling your mind.

Thank you for reading and no matter what shape and size you are, always love yourself!!!


Our everyday lives are so stressful, please make some time today to sit, breathe, and quite your mind. Even if it's only for 5 minutes, it still helps!!!

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Wednesday, October 19, 2011


It's Weds. and most of us are halfway through our work week. I have one more client later this afternoon, then I will be relaxing. I hope you all have been training hard!

Today I want to blog about music. Something I always tell my clients and anyone I know is that when you are feeling tired, or unmotivated, put on some up beat music. I swear to you this works. Today, after I trained my first 2 clients, I was feeling it, very tired. I quickly put on some up beat music, and it motivated me for my training session.

I LOVE everything about music, it's a gift, and it's a gift that is relatively inexpensive. If you've ever taken a group fitness class, notice there is always music playing, as well as in most gyms. Next time you need some extra motivation, put on some up beat music to get you exercising.

If you are hearing impaired, turn on a music video and use the subtitle feature to give you the sense of beat.

Thank you for reading and no matter what shape and size you are, always love yourself!!!


Purchase a new song to get you moving. I suggest the new single out by, my cast mate and friend, Jei. Her single "Show me the Money" is on itunes for only $0.99. It's upbeat and fabulous!!!!

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Monday, October 17, 2011


While I was watching Sunday football yesterday, I started thinking about discipline. I have a true respect for professional athletes. To become a pro, in any sport, takes a lifetime of discipline. It's pretty amazing to this fitness fanatic.

I am EXTREMELY disciplined with my fitness regimen. I schedule my whole week in advance. I know exactly when and what I am training. Now, I get it, most people aren't extreme, like myself. However, once you start and become disciplined at actually training your body, the discipline grows.

It's Monday, please, I beg you, I plead with you, take 5 minutes and schedule your fitness regimen. I'm serious, write it down and schedule it, become disciplined in training your body. At the very least, schedule 3 sessions of exercise. Anyone can make time for 3 sessions.

Thank you for reading and no matter what shape and size you are, always love yourself!!!


While you are exercising turn off your freakin cell phone, it is a distraction that will break your focus. Enjoy the time away from technology, and you will have a stronger workout.

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Thursday, October 13, 2011

Exercise gives you energy!

Hello, this blog is going to be short and sweet. I have had an incredibly busy week and I've been under some stress. I have not gotten the best of sleep this week. I am HUGE on sleeping 7-8 hours a night.

Sleep repairs your muscles, and keeps you looking young, just to name a few of the benefits. This week I've been really tired, not fatigued, tired. One of the most common reasons people tell me they don't exercise is because they are "too tired". I am here, as proof, to say that's a load of crap.

Although I was tired I still have made it to the gym everyday this week. After my training I HAVE MORE ENERGY!!!! This is no lie, I promise, when you are tired, not fatigued, start moving your body, it will give you more energy and you will feel better!

Thank you for reading and no matter what shape and size you are, always love yourself!!!


Don't take your vitamins with coffee or tea, the tanins in these will block absoption. Take your vitamins with water and wait ten minutes after you have drank coffee or tea.

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Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Go slow

Hi, it is rainy here in LA. I actually don't mind the rain, it reminds me of home. Don't get me wrong, I live in a city where the weather is pretty perfect most of the time, but I like rain here and there. It cleans our city. I had a pretty fabulous work out today at the gym, which is why I want to talk about going slowly.

A good trainer controls your pace of movement. I started my session with my usual balance, core, and reactive training, then I moved to legs. My last exercise was ab work. I always do at least one ab exercise a session. My focus throughout my routine today was to go slower than usual.

While I was training my abs I grabbed a stability ball to perform standard ball crunches. What I did differently today was I went as absolute slowly as I could. I went up for 8 counts and at the top I held and vacuumed out every bit of air in me. I was only able to do 15 reps.

My point is that sometimes you have to slow it down, it didn't matter that I didn't do a ton of crunches, my abs were killing me by the end of 2 sets. I am also already feeling the soreness. Next time you train, try the slow approach and feel the difference.

Thank you for reading and no matter what shape and size you are, always love yourself!!!


Remember while performing ab work, your hands should be by your ears and your elbows should be out of your peripheral vision.

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Friday, September 30, 2011

Add low impact sessions

Happy Friday, and an end to September. I have a feeling Oct. is going to be fantastic. I am welcoming the fall. A client of mine pulled her hamstring while taking a group fitness class, so when I saw her this week, we had a low impact training session.

A very easy way to explain a low impact workout is that it's easy on your joints. It is very necessary to incorporate low impact workouts in your fitness regimen, especially if you train frequently. An example of low impact training would be yoga or pilates.

With low impact training you are still burning calories and using your muscles. In my client's case, we had to completely stay away from her hamstring, but we did a ton of upper body work, and many moves she was seated or in supine position (on her back). When I recieved her follow up email, (I require all my clients to check in and let me know how they are feeling), she let me know that she was really sore. Point being: You can still have a great session even though it's low impact.

Be kind, and take care of your body. If you train 4 or more times a week, break it up with low impact exercise. Enjoy the weekend.

Thank you for reading and no matter what shape and size you are, always love yourself!!!


No eating from a serving bowl, out of a big bag, or while standing at the kitchen counter. Get a dish and put a serving of your food in/on it, and you will eat less.

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Thursday, September 22, 2011


This blog is dedicated to all of the over-thinkers of the world. I can think things to death. My name is Michelle Betts, and I am an over-thinker. This is very common for artists, as an actress and fitness professional, I tend to be in my head.

The fabulous, good, wonderful, news is there is help for all of us. I am advanced in yoga and practice regularly. The hour and a half I spend in my yoga class is by far the most calm of my week. It is the one place where I can go, and completely shut down my mind, not to mention get a fantastic exercise session in.

I just got back from my yoga class, and I am calm, happy, and at peace. Now, I also practice meditation every morning which is great also, and I highly recommend. We live in a hectic, technology based world, and I know for me, quite time is needed. If you are on over-thinker, or need some form of stress release, I encourage you to take a yoga class and start meditating.

Thank you for reading and no matter what shape and size you are, always love yourself!!!


When taking yoga, or stretching, always remember to breathe into the pose or stretch. As you breathe out, you should be able to stretch a tiny bit farther.

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Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Get moving!

It is officially fall. This year, filming my reality show, Tough Love Miami, has made the year fly bye. Now that the weather is getting cooler and bikini season is past us, some of you might be slaking.

I am here to tell you NO MORE SLAKING, it will only be harder to get back in the swing of things. I'm gonna make this really easy for you. All I ask is 3-5 days of 30-60 minutes of exercise. When you really look at all the minutes and hours in the week, this really isn't that much time.

If you are really pressed for time, go out and buy a jump rope. As soon as you wake up, jump rope for 10 minutes. Ten little minutes of jump roping can burn up to 120 calories, and also get your body nice and warm. By doing this, you will burn more calories throughout the day. Now, if you have joint problems and need a low impact exercise, take a 20 minute walk during your lunch hour or after dinner....I swear to you, it will add up.

Thank you for reading and no matter what shape and size you are, always love yourself!!!


If you are pressed for time with your cardio portion of training then perform intervals, you will burn more calories in less time.

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Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Slow and Steady

A new client of mine is seriously kicking butt. We train three times a week and she let's me really push her. In the first few weeks of training she got really discouraged. She has been working so hard, but was expecting faster results. My philosophy: Slow and steady wins the race.

I read a ton of health and fitness publications. Most studies claim that people who lose 1-3 lbs a week keep it off for good. As a fitness professional, I completely agree with this. It's a goal I set for most of my clients. I always tell them that even if they only lose 1 lb, that the 1lb is NEVER coming back.

Please don't be discouraged if you are only seeing small results. Small results in the long run add up. Stay disciplined and keep going with your fitness regimen. It will eventually become a lifestyle.

Thank you for reading and no matter what shape and size you are, always love yourself!!!


1 lb is roughly 3500 calories. If you take out 500 calories a day from your daily diet, you should lose about 1lb a week.

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Monday, September 12, 2011

Training With Weights

It's Monday, I just got in from my training session and I feel great. I have an upcoming photo shoot, so I am really going to be pushing myself this week. A few days I'm going to do double time, meaning, two sessions a day.

While I was on the portion of my resistance training, or for most, weight training, it came to me that some people don't know how to properly lift weights. So here are a few simple tips:

*Know what result you want. For instance, if you want to get bigger, lift less repetitions with a heavier weight. If you want to get lean with little muscle growth, choose a lighter weight with more repetitions.

*When you want to achieve muscle growth the last four reps should be very difficult. An example would be if you are doing 3 sets of 12 repetitions, by rep 8 it should be really hard and almost unbearable by the third set.

*Make sure to rest in between sets so your body can recover it's energy systems. Depending on your goal, rest between 30 sec-2 minutes.

*After training be sure to replenish your carbs, there is a 60 minute window, if you don't refuel, your body with take and store energy inproperly.

These are just a few tips, have a great workout week!!!

Thank you for reading and no matter what shape and size you are, always love yourself!!!


When you are performing a standard bilateral squat (with or without weights) if you are in correct posture you should be able to lift your toes.

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Thursday, September 8, 2011

When you are overwhelmed, exercise!!!

Yesterday was a big day for me. It was announced that I am one of the cast members of VH1's Tough Love Miami airing this fall. Although I thought I was prepared, I realized yesterday that I wasn't. I saw mean, hurtful, and most of all, not true posts about the whole cast, including myself.

I am in no way, shape, or form, malicious. It's not my nature, I don't wish harm on anyone. I have a huge heart, so last night was really hard on me. WHAT DID I DO??????? I exercised!!!!

I have a fitness pole in my home, so I put on music and performed a pole routine that I have designed. I zoned out for about an hour and went to bed feeling wonderful. After I trained my clients, I did my daily "hour of power", it's a Tony Robbins technique, and now I am getting ready to go to yoga.

When you are feeling overwhelmed, stressed, hurt, etc. get up and exercise, whatever form. I PROMISE you will feel better and let some, if not all, of the stress go.

Thank you for reading and no matter what shape and size you are, always love yourself!!!



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Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Alcohol Intake

I hope everyone had a fabulous Holiday weekend. I know I sure did. I spent my long weekend doing many different things. One time during the weekend I consumed alcohol, I was at the London hotel Sunday afternoon, I designated that time in which I could drink.

The very first thing I ask while assessing a new client is what their alcohol intake is per week. I ask this because over drinking is a very easy way to gain weight. I tell my clients to limit their alcohol intake, to try and only have 2 drinks per week. You would be surprised how fast the calories add up when consuming alcohol.

I understand this can be a bit challenging, try and schedule the time you drink your allotted amount of alcohol. An example would be that I knew I was going to have some fun Sunday afternoon, so even though I went to a birthday dinner Friday night, I didn't drink. Sunday was the only time I consumed alcohol, and only a few drinks.

Not drinking is very easy for me, I'm not a big drinker, I'm a health nut and would rather eat my calories than drink them. If you make it a habit, to only drink a few drinks a week, it will just become second nature. Before you know it you won't even want any alcohol at all. There are many times I go months without drinking. Try this, you and your body will thank me for it.

Thank you for reading and no matter what shape and size you are, always love yourself!!!


An easy way to stop yourself from over drinking is to have a large glass of water in between every drink. You should be able to stop at two.

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Thursday, September 1, 2011

Check your posture!

I can't believe it is already Sept. This year has flown bye. I have never felt stronger in my life, and I wish that for you too! I've kicked up my regimen for fall, and am hitting my marks, so to speak.

A soon to be client of mine had some questions for me today regarding at home training. I am all for working out at home. I think there are a ton of great DVDs out there to help you reach your fitness goals. I always tell people if you are going to train at home, be sure to check your posture.

Proper posture is a key ingredient to prevent injury. Not to mention to target the correct muscles in each sequence. What I told my client today is that if you are training at home, bring a mirror out and check your posture CONSTANTLY. The slightest off set can cause postural distortion or injury.

Thank you for reading and no matter what shape and size you are, always love yourself!!!


When performing a standard bicep curl, your elbows should be by your sides and have no movement what so ever.

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Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Ask For Help

I recently watched the film, Life As We Know It, starring Katherine Heigl and Josh Duhamel. There is a brilliant line in the film, it goes, "having somebody help you doesn't mean that you just means your not in it alone". This year I have been on an incredible journey, and on my journey I had to stop and take a real hard look at myself. I take pride on being strong and independent woman....but everyone needs a little help.

This year I have learned how to ask for help in certain areas in my life, and it feels great. This blog will be short, all I want you to get from it is: if you are struggling with some aspect of your health and fitness regimen, ask someone who loves you for help!!!! Shoot, send me an email, I'll get back to you, I'm a nurturer by nature, I love helping!

Thank you for reading and no matter what shape and size you are, always love yourself!!!


I read an article recently on the effectiveness of abdominal machines and exercises, the standard crunch came in first place. Tonight before you go to bed do 25 standard crunches. Remember to keep your elbows out of your peripheral vision and vacuum all the air out of your stomach when you are at the top of the crunch.

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Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Every step counts!

I train clients of all shapes, sizes, and age. They are all on different levels, but share a commonality: they all strive for better health. I plan out different regimens for each individual. No matter who they are, I always tell my client that every step counts.

You do not have to be a fitness fanatic like myself to be in good health. You would be surprised though, how adding some steps will make a big difference. What I mean by this is to implement more walking in your daily life.

Some examples would be to park in the far lot when shopping, using the stairs instead of elevators, or to find local stores that you can walk to. I've lived in Hancock Park now for three years. When I decide to live in this area, I found a dry cleaner, rite aid, bank, yoga studio, and many other vendors that I use, that were nearby, so I could walk instead of drive.

These examples may not be strenuous, but if you implement them, you will start feeling and quite possibly seeing a difference. It will also give you momentum to add more exercise into your life.

Today google shops in your area and vow to yourself that you will start walking instead of driving. Remember, every step counts.

Thank you for reading and no matter what shape and size you are, always love yourself!!!


As soon as you wake up put on your gym clothes. If you have your gym clothes on, it is more likely you will make it to the gym or start exercising.

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Thursday, August 11, 2011

Don't give up!

I recently have been feeling a bit sluggish, restless, tired, etc. My yoga teacher said it could be because mercury is in retrograde, so if other's are feeling like this, it could be why. I've even been feeling a bit defeated. There's a reason why to pursue a career in acting is the hardest thing to accomplish. You take an emotional beating on a daily basis, and at times most actors feel like giving up.

I've learned when you do feel like giving up, to talk to a friend, mentor, expert in the field, etc. Which is why I decided to blog about it today. Changing your body is very difficult, you can start a regimen and not see results as fast as you wish. I beg and plead with you to not give up!

Eventually with hard work and determination you will reach your fitness goals, and any goal for that matter. When you are feeling like you aren't seeing the results that you are working so hard to accomplish, seek out someone who has accomplished such results. This will give you extra motivation, encouragement, and support. Please remember to never give up!!!

Thank you for reading and no matter what shape and size you are, always love yourself!!!


Make a weekly fitness date with a friend. This will keep your relationship and your body strong, inside and out.

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Sunday, July 31, 2011


If you readers no me personally, you would know that I am currently obsessed with the HBO series, True Blood. It's my favorite program on TV, because of this, I am always on the lookout for interviews and articles on the show and it's cast.

This week actor, Joe Manganiello, who plays the character, Alcide, was interviewed on Access Hollywood. If you don't watch the show, this man has an UNBELIEVABLE body. He is completely ripped, I don't think a body could look any better. In his interview he shared some of his workout tips and what he does.

What struck me, and why I decided to write about his interview, is that he shared, for this role, that he spent every dollar he had, found one of the best trainers, and trained 2 times, 6 days a week. Talk about some serious dedication. He was willing to do whatever it took to meet his fitness goal. I am completely impressed.

Now, I know most of you out there don't have this high of a fitness goal. However, you still have a goal. Today make a dedication to yourself that you will reach this fitness goal. It's very hard to make changes and lead a healthy lifestyle, it takes a tremendous amount of time and dedication. I promise though, once you start, and you eventually reach your goal, you will feel amazing. START TODAY! I know you can do it!

Thank you for reading and no matter what shape and size you are, always love yourself!!!


Prevent late night binges by dividing your dinner into two seperate meals. Eat half of your portion of carbs, protein, and veggies at 7pm and the rest at 10pm, when you would normally have a snack.

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Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Don't get stuck

In the last two weeks there have been multiple acting jobs that I have come in as runner up. You know, so close, but no cigar. It's gotten me a bit down, and most of all, the feeling of being stuck.

A really good friend of mine, who is not in the entertainment industry, helped me turn those feelings around. She told me that even though I didn't get the parts, that coming that close, multiple times, is a big accomplishment. She made me think and see things differently. Her perspective helped me not be so stuck.

If you feel like you are feeling stuck with your fitness goal, make some time and be honest with a good friend. Sometimes all it takes is a different perspective to help get you moving again. It sure did for me.

Thank you for reading and no matter what shape and size you are, always love yourself!!!


IF you can't get your recommended daily servings of vegetables from your food, go to a health food store and buy powdered greens to add to your shake or drink. It's not as beneficial as actual vegetables, but does aid in nutritional intake.

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Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Take your aggressions out in the gym

Hi all, hope your having a good morning. I just walked in from training and I am feeling good. I recently found out someone I cared about had been lying to me. I have to let it be known that I HATE LIARS!!! Lying to me is the worst thing you can do, I'd rather hear the truth, even if it is something I don't want to hear, then a lie.

Instead of sitting by myself and wallowing, or binging on junk food and alcohol, which unfortunately is what most Americans do, I took my aggressions out in the gym. That's what I do when I'm stressed. Instead of doing something that is bad for my body, I turn it around, run on the treadmill like Forrest Gump.

After my intense running, I ALWAYS feel better. For one, endorphins make you feel good, but two, pushing my body gives me a high. It makes the stress go away, or at the very least, lessen. Next time you are stressed out, do something good for your body and exercise, I promise you will feel better.

Thank you for reading and no matter what shape and size you are, always love yourself!!!


If you are starting to plateau with your strength training and are not ready to raise your weight, change the order you perform the exercises. An example would be if you usually start with your biceps, end with them instead.

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Saturday, July 16, 2011

The Weighted Hula-Hoop

It's Sat, wishing everyone a great weekend! I had a busy week. I am glad that the weekend is here. I will be taking it easy this weekend. I'm going to catch up and read all of my fitness and health magazines.

A client of mine gave me a new toy last week. If you don't remember, in a previous blog awhile ago, I mentioned the weighted hula-hoop. Shape magazine featured actress, Marisa Tomei, and she uses one to tone up. In her interview she said they were a lot of fun.

Marisa couldn't have been more right. I had so much fun with mine, and I got a decent workout in. There are many different ways to maneuver the hula-hoop, so you can target each major muscle group. You can jump rope through the hoop for cardio. You can hoop it around your arm for muscular strength. Hooping it around your ankle and skipping through it takes coordination, but after a few times you'll get it. These are just a few of the many exercises you can perform with this fantastic piece of equipment.

This weekend, find a form of exercise, or piece of equipment that puts a genuine smile on your's fabulous!

Thank you for reading and no matter what shape and size you are, always love yourself!!!


This is simple. If it grows on a tree, eat it!

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Friday, July 8, 2011

Eat Pray Love

I have been a bit obsessed with the film, Eat Pray Love, with mega-star, Julia Roberts. I thought I would dedicate this blog to the film. It seems each time I watch this film I get something new from it, which I think is fantastic.

EAT: Your body needs nutrients for fuel. Feed it well with foods that come from the ground, (fruits and vegetables), whole grains, and lean protein. Try and stay away from fried, processed foods. Take a look at food differently, ask yourself, "what can this do for my body"? When you start eating a healthy, balanced, diet, you will feel and look amazing. I do believe in one cheat meal a week. Meaning, don't binge, but eat whatever you want. Mine this week is yummy Mexican food......tonight.

PRAY: Weather you are religious or not. Pray to whatever higher power you believe in. If you don't believe in a higher power, than take 10-20 minutes a day mediating. I practice an hour of power ever morning, it's a Anthony Robbins tool. I wake up, say what I'm grateful for, pray, visualize, speak incantations, and meditate. I've been practicing this for over a year, and it is the best way to start my day.

LOVE: Every day do something that shows you love yourself, preferably exercise :). Take a look at how you spend your days and see if you are devoting love to yourself. If you aren't than start right now!!! Also, let the people in your life you love know it. Tell them, or do something nice that shows you love them. There is nothing more rewarding than seeing someone you love with a true smile of happiness.

Have a great weekend!

Thank you for reading and no matter what shape and size you are, always love yourself!!!


We are in the warm summer months, be sure to keep yourself hydrated with plenty of water. The recommended daily amount is at least 8 glasses. Coconut water naturally hydrates the body, drink it in place of Gatorade (unless you are training heavily).

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

My motivation...Rafael Nadal

I hope everyone had a fabulous 4Th of July weekend. My weekend started a bit early on Thursday. I was invited to an opening of a bar in Hollywood, so I went with a really good friend. Well, we ended up going to 3 different lounges that night...which meant, quite a few drinks.

I'm not a big drinker, it's a waste of calories in my mind. Don't get me wrong, I like drinking wine, but I stop at 2 glasses. Well, I woke up Friday and wanted to burn off my 5 drinks from the night before, so I decided it was endurance training time. I don't perform endurance training often, endurance training is when you stay on a cardio machine for a long period of time, with your heart rate steady in zone 2.

I go down to the gym and hop on the stationary bike, I look up and see my favorite tennis player on the screen. Gorgeous Spaniard, Rafael Nadal. I was going to bike ten miles in 40 minutes, well, I ended up on the bike for over an hour and went 20 miles.

It sounds funny, but Rafael Nadal kept me on the machine. I wanted to keep watching his match, look at his body, and study his moves. My point to this is: Put the tv on something you really enjoy watching, it will give you motivation to keep going!

Thank you for reading and no matter what shape and size you are, always love yourself!!!!


Use a fork and knife and cut the food you would usually use your hands to eat. An example would be pizza. Studies have shown by doing this you will eat less.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Find your inner strength

Hello, hope you all have had a fabulous week. I have no complaints. I've been a busy little bee.....but busy is good for me. After I trained a few clients this morning, it was time for my session, and let me tell you, I was a tired.

We all have an inner strength that we find deep within ourselves. This is why when you work with a personal trainer you see faster results. As a trainer it's my job to push you to find more strength. When you think you can't do another repetition....I make you do three.

Today while I was training, I found mine. I pushed myself so hard today, and when I was truly ready to quit, I added one more difficult exercise. I find my inner strength by talking to myself and visualizing. I might look a bit like a crazy person in the gym, but I don't care, I'm there to train.

Today while you are performing your fitness training, whatever that may be, when you are ready to quit, push yourself a little more. Find your inner strength and you'll feel great!

Thank you for reading and no matter what shape and size you are, always love yourself!!!


It's Friday and for those of you who are going out, try and limit yourself to only two alcoholic bevereges. Drinking high volumes of alcohol is a sure way to put on the pounds. Alcohol is basically empty calories that add up. I drink red wine while I'm out because I drink red wine slowly, so I'll only have one or two glasses.

Monday, June 20, 2011

It's all about balance!

Good afternoon, sorry for my hiatus.....I had a lot of important matters to deal with. It's why I have decided to write about balance today. I'm not talking about physical balance, that will be another day. When I say balance, I'm meaning with your lifestyle, the way you spend your time.

I often don't have balance in my life. I'm extreme, when I'm in it, man, I'm in it. I realized how necessary it is to make time for all areas of your life. I become a workaholic, where that's all I do is work, work, work, don't get me wrong, I love what I do, but sometimes I forget to have fun.

Having fun is essential in life, but you can't go crazy and need to still take care of your responsibilities. Family is very important to me, and sometimes I go months without a trip home. Do you see where I'm getting at? The one balance I have in my life is my health and fitness regimen, but that's easy for me.

I took the last couple of weeks off from writing because I realized different parts of my life were off balance. I took the time to figure out what I needed to do to change this. Now I have a plan. Today sit down and really analyze yourself and see if you are off balance in an area. Are you working to much?, spending to little time with the family?, not filling your spiritual cup?, not getting your intimate needs met?, etc. Try and find a healthy balance.

Thank you for reading and no matter what shape and size you are, always love yourself!!!


It's Monday, the start of the week. I challenge you this week to cut out all fast food. Fast food is one of the worst things you can injest in your body. It's mainly processed, full of sodium, and bad fat. Go one week without fast food and you'll probably not go back.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Do me a favor and EAT!!!

This blog is going to be short and to the point. I am the smallest I have ever been, but weigh the same as I did a year ago. I have added muscle and lost inches. This was my personal fitness goal. I changed a lot in my health and fitness regimen, one thing that is essential for EVERY person's fitness goal, whatever it be, is to EAT!!!!

I am very small, people ask all the time if I eat, I find it actually insulting when this is asked to me. My response and what I want to share with all of you is that, "I AM CONSTANTLY EATING"!!!! Granted I eat small portions, that are healthy.....but I eat all the time. Every few hours I am noshing on something.

It is a fact if you eat small meals frequently throughout the day, starting with breakfast within 60 minutes of rising, it keeps your metabolism up. If you want to drop a some pounds, this little adjustment alone, with no exercise, will help, and you will see results. For the love of god, don't starve yourself and please EAT!!!!

Thank you for reading and no matter what shape and size you are, always love yourself!!!


Change doesn't happen in your comfort zone. Today, take your training up a notch. Whether it is increasing the speed on your cardio, adding heavier weights to your lifting, or adding another set to an exercise.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Yoga retreat in Santa Barbara

Good evening, hope you all are doing well. I have had a busy week, but want to talk about my fabulous weekend. I have been practicing yoga for 5 years, and love, love, love it!!!! I belong to a few different studios, but Exhale, in Venice, is my favorite. My yoga teacher there is Jo Tatsula, she is hands down the best!!!

Jo teaches vinyassa flow and her class is not only physically a challenge, but it is also spiritual and meditational. She held a yoga retreat this weekend where one of my best friends and I attended. I have never experienced a yoga was utterly amazing.

We started off each day with a yoga practice, followed by and in depth workshop. Sat. we also had a guided meditation that left me feeling clear and grounded. On the ranch there were so much to do, or you could do nothing. I went on a long hike, went swimming, swung on a swing, read a magazine in a hammock, jumped like a child on a trampoline, and even canoed in a pond. I had so much fun.

The meals were all healthy and organic prepared with food grown or raised on the ranch. Dining with such a diverse group of people, whom most of all, had no judgements what so ever, was really special. I enjoyed every person I talked with. I left the weekend feeling at complete peace.

There are many different kinds of retreats. I encourage you to seek inside your heart and soul, find one that interests you, that will make you feel healthy all around. When you return you will feel re-charged, and ready to face all of life's little challenges.

Thank you for reading and no matter what shape and size you are, always love yourself!!!


Drop your vitamin in a glass of water. If it does not fully dissolve in an hour, pick another.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Visualize your fitness goals

Good morning! I've been up awhile training clients, doing well. I love when my clients listen to me and start seeing results, it makes my day. Last night while I was watching The Biggest Loser, I started thinking about my personal goals, and how many I've hit.

I live in LA and I listen to Tony Robbins frequently. I was listening to him daily, but now, with my schedule, it's just not possible. I am, "new age", and yes, I have a vision and goal board hidden behind a door in my home that I look at daily.

As I was watching the transformations of the final four contestants on, The Biggest Loser, it made me think of my goals. I took a look at my boards, and realized that I have hit 2 out of the 3 major goals for 2011. I don't want to share with you what they are, but come July you will see.

I know it sounds corny, but today start visualizing reaching your fitness goals. Take 5 minutes and see yourself on the scale at whatever weight you desire, envision passing through the finish line of a marathon, etc. I swear paired with hard work and determination, this stuff works!!!! I'm so excited to hit major goal number 3, and let me tell you, I'm working on it.

Thank you for reading and no matter what shape and size you are, always love yourself!!!!


We all know that blueberries, spinach, and acai berries are packed with antioxidants, but did you know that prunes, cloves, and peanuts are also. Start adding these to your weekly diet today, just be sure to control your portions.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Go out and buy a bosu

Hi, before I start typing about the fabulous bosu, I need to let you all know about my delicious, healthy, dinner I ate last night. I was taken to, Sauce On Hampton, in Venice Beach. OMG this is now one of my new favorite restaurants. The food is super healthy and organic. My favorite part of my meal was the fabulous sweet potatoes.......they are cubed and roasted, and out of this world.....did I mention the meal was completely healthy!!!!!! If you live in the LA area please go and try my new find, you will not be sorry.

For all of you stay at home mom's, work-aholics, or non gym members: GO OUT AND INVEST IN A BOSU!!!! If you have been a regular reader, you know that I bought one in Dec., and love, love ,love it.

For my routine yesterday I used my bosu, and trained my full body. I hit every major muscle group.....all with one piece of equipment, that is relatively small. I am hardcore and I make EVERY session difficult. My body was hurting by nigh time and I was super soar this morning.

A complimentary CD is provided when you purchase a bosu, so there is no excuse not to use it. Just remember to run in place, jump rope, or perform jumping jacks for at least ten minutes beforehand. Cardio is essential in every routine to strenghten your heart and burn calories.

Thank you for reading and no matter what shape and size you are, always love yourself!!!


Add produce to every single meal. Every meal must contain a fruit or vegetable. They are full of disease-fighting vitamins and antioxidants that your body needs.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Evaluate your lifestyle

I apologize for the delay in posting. I was under a big amount of stress and had many things on my mid regarding many different facets of my life. My whole life revolves around health and fitness, it is my true passion in life. I can't explain the happiness I feel when I receive an email, text, phone call, etc. from a client or a friend that I've been helping or training thanking me for improving their health. It's the best feeling in the world and it always reminds why I do what I's what I am meant to do.

If you know me personally you know I am incredibly honest. I hate being lied to and I can't comprehend a person that lies. I ALAWAYS tell the truth and if I say I'm going to do something, I do it. I am a person of my word. I realized last week that I had been saying I was going to do something for some time, and I had not yet done it out of fear, it was also effecting my health.

I've been a bartender in nightclubs for over a decade. When I became a fitness professional I scaled back and only worked part time. As a bartender the fast cash is just sometimes a little to good to pass up. The hours and the mental abuse however, are physically, at times, unbearable.

Every few months I evaluate my over-all health. I see my physician, get my blood tested, overview my exercise regimen, and feel myself out mentally and emotionally. I do this for a self check, and see where there is room for improvement (there's always room for improvement). I realized bartending was killing me, so I took a risk, leap of faith, and Friday night was my last night as a bartender. Money is not worth my health suffering.

Today I'd like you to evaluate your health. Are there things that need improvement? What needs to change? No matter how scary or hard I challenge you to make the change. When one door shuts another door opens, and nothing is more improtant than your health.

Thank you for reading and no matter what shape and size you are, always love yourself!!!


When ordering sandwiches, tacos, etc. swap out the cheese in place of avacado. Avacado's are loaded with good fat your body needs, just don't overdue it.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Get some grit

I went on an early hike with a friend this morning. It was such a great way to start my day. While we were on our hike, I recalled an article I read last night in my Women's Health magazine, regarding grit. I read it right before I went to bed and it was still on my mind, I love when this happens.

So what is grit? Well, it's a mental trait that has an enormous influence on success. To put it bluntly it's an ability to set a far-reaching goal and drive towards it on full speed. The ability to gut it out and NEVER GIVE UP until you reach it, whatever it takes.

Some people are born with grit, but for others don't lose hope, it can be developed. First thing you need to do to develop grit is set a goal that has challenging obstacles. That's why right now I want every person that is reading this to write down a hard, challenging goal and make it your mission to achieve it. Mine is to have a strong voice in helping America tackle it's obesity epidemic. No matter how long or how hard this is........I am committing myself right now that I will one day accomplish this goal and I will not give up.

Thank you for reading and no matter what shape and size you are, always love yourself!!!


Incorporate alkaline rich foods into your diet. Your body needs alkaline rich foods to break up acid. Some great examples are: cucumber, spinach, wheat grass, and kale. This will help you in your process to losing weight.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Summer is around the corner

I can't believe we are at the end of April. Where has this year gone? I remember celebrating New Year's like it was yesterday. Summer is approaching and I want to pump you up, and keep you working out strong, so you can show off your beautiful beach body.

Most people who come to me for help complain about 2 things, time and motivation. I consider these the two "big" excuses. I don't understand when someone tells me they don't have time to get healthy. We, as humans, have one life, one body.......starting right now you need to put your health first and make the time.

I am a firm believer in scheduling your exercise regimen. You don't need to be a fanatic like myself and exercise 6 days a week, start out with 3. Don't go overboard, studies have shown that when starting out if you go overboard you will burn out and will stop after a short time period. So, for now, sit down with your schedule and schedule 3 days a week anywhere from 30-60 minutes per session. Once you get in a pattern that number will grow. You need to take this little time for yourself and your health.

If motivation is your problem then call on an accountability partner, or ask someone for help. Find a friend who also wants to get healthy and make each other stay on track. Also, do a form of exercise that excites you and that you enjoy. Dance classes and sporting games are great. Group fitness classes are also a good motivational tool. If your really stuck then budget for a personal trainer, that's what we are here kick your butt and get you going.

My hope is by summer that my friends, family, and readers all feel good putting on that bathing suit!

Thank you for reading and no matter what shape and size you are, always love yourself!!!


Don't drink your calories. Liquids travel too quickly through your stomach for your brain to notice the calorie consumption. Beverages add up, especially alcohol. Drink your coffee black and drink your water cold. Ice water is a negative calorie drink, your body burns calories warming it up.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Keep it positive

Hello, I took an early morning yoga class with a new teacher, it was very it! My mind is relaxed and my muscles are killing me, what a great combination. I had a very frustrating day yesterday, so I wanted to write about positivity.

I realize we will all have bad days, that's inevitable. How you handle these days is what matters. So, with my bad day it started with my car and then filtered to every technological piece of equipment I use throughout the day. I honestly couldn't believe it when my phone, Internet, and ipod all went down on the same day. This was the straw that broke the camel's back, so to say, for me.

Since I've returned home from my journey, many things have changed, including my night job (for the worse in so many ways). Yesterday as I was dealing with problem after problem, I started getting so angry and negative. Then I thought to myself about all the people who were affected by the recent storms in the made my problems seem trivial.

Instead of going out and drinking with friends, I went to the gym and cleared my head. My point to all of this is: When you are having a bad day, and under a big amount of stress, take a moment,breathe and think of all the positive things you have in your life. Then, go to the gym and work it out. I promise it will make you feel better.

Thank you for reading and no matter what shape and size you are, always love yourself!!!!


When you are cooking, substitute olive oil instead of butter. Olive oil is good fat your body needs that has health benefits. Also while dining out, ask your server to substitute the olive oil, I do this all the time and I have NEVER been told no.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Hi, for those of you who don't know, I went on a 2 month journey. I'm not at liberty to discuss details, but what I can say is that it challenged me in every way. I believe when you do things that challenge you the most, you get the best rewards. This stands true for my journey. I've changed and grown in ways I couldn't imagine, and because of it, I've never felt more confident, healthy, strong, and is fabulous!!!

So, I'm back, full speed, and ready to help all of you. While I was gone, let me just say, my fitness knowledge and skills were put to the test. I do not believe in ANY type of excuses. When you say, "there's no time"....sorry, I'm not buying it. My days were 12-16 hours long, I still woke up every morning to train. When you say "I don't have equipment"......... well, half the time I had the bare minimum of equipment, and I still got a good session in. It's pretty amazing how a small core board, a few rubber bands, a bench, and a set of hand weights can still get the job done. When you say, "there's nothing healthy on a menu"....sorry, your wrong. There is always a chicken salad with balsamic vinaigrette.

It is my mission in life to help control the American Obesity epidemic. Please try and make small changes, and let's all get healthy.

Thank you for reading and no matter what shape and size you are, always love yourself!!!


It's Tuesday, schedule 3 days of exercise this week. Even if all you do is just jump rope in the morning for 10 minutes. This can burn up to 120 calories, and you will have more energy throughout the day.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

If necessary, slow down

Good afternoon, today the weather in LA is really beautiful. Although the weather doesn't feel like winter, my health does. If you haven't guessed, yes, I've been sick.

I have a tendency to go, go, go. I guess I ran myself down, my allergies and a mild cold caught up to me. Basically my body made me slow down, very difficult for a fitness fanatic.

So, please, learn from my mistakes, although I am a COMPLETE ADVOCATE of working out and training your body, when you need a break please, take a break. If you train while your sick or under the weather, this will lower your immunity and make you worse.

For everyone who feels great, GET YOUR BODY MOVING TODAY!!!!!! 30-60 minutes of exercise, and keep your health up!!!!!!

Thank you for reading and no matter what shape and size you are, always love yourself!!!


EAT BROCCOLI!!!!!!! This fabulous vegetable not only fights of cancer it is a fat burner as well. Strive for one serving a day, preferably steamed.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The fabulous Bosu

Hope everyone is having a great start to the week. I've been pretty busy, I always make time for my training though. I cycled ten miles, followed by hard core abdominal work. I haven't cycled like that for awhile, so I'm sure I will feel it tomorrow.

My Christmas gift to myself was a Bosu balance trainer. If you aren't familiar with this fabulous item, I'm happy to describe it. They are in almost every gym, the Bosu is a blue ball dome, that is flat on the bottom. It looks as though a ball was cut in half and a flat surface was attached. This is my new favorite toy.

The thing I like best about the Bosu is that you can never quite master it when you are performing balance exercises. It will always be difficult. You can also use it for a full body workout, especially if you have a set of hand weights to incorporate.

Today, when you are in your gym, look around, or ask an employee where the Bosu balls are kept. Once you find it, stand on the center with the flat side facing down and perform simple squats. To progress this exercise, perform the squats on one single leg (single leg squat),with one of your feet off the ball. Follow your squats with Bosu crunches.

Thank you for reading and no matter what shape and size you are, always love yourself!!!


Instead of drinking fruit juice, eat whole fruits, especially if you are trying to lose weight. I tell all my clients not to waste their calories in drinks because you will still be hungry. Most fruit juices are filled with sugar (empty calories). When you eat the whole fruit you get the fiber in the fruit also.

Friday, January 7, 2011

A special message....

Today was one of the greatest days, I had a major breakthrough with a client. I wanted to share it with you. Moments like I experienced earlier remind me of why I do what I do. It's like magic.

She isn't really a client. She pays me no money, and lives in Northern California. She is, however, one of the most special, important people in my life, a woman whom I love more than anyone in this world. She is my mother.

I have spent numerous nights in worry over my mom's health. I have struggled and struggled with trying to help her and get through to her. My mother has been over weight my whole life. As a fitness professional, I have asked myself over and over, "what can I do? This is my job that I specialize in, how can I get through to her"?

Little by little I started working with her. I would make her check in with me, and every time I spoke with her I'd ask if she went to the gym. All I heard were excuses, excuses, excuses. When she came to visit me I lectured her, and tried to educate her on the benefits of eating a healthy diet. I tried everything, I even made her watch one of my favorite TV shows, The Doctors, and she really enjoyed it, however, she still was making excuses.

I went home for a visit on Christmas and she let me train her in the gym. I showed her different exercises and equipment to use. Today, on the phone, she told me that she went to the gym, did her workout, and ENJOYED it. This was music to my fitness fanatic ears. She then read me her list of 2011 goals, it was all the ways she is determined to get healthy.....going to the gym, getting better sleep, etc. My point to all of this is..........I FINALLY GOT THROUGH TO HER!!! As she read me her list, it literally made me cry, tears of happiness, and I'm not a crier, I yell, break things, go on a crazy run, etc.....I very seldom cry.

If you need more motivation to get healthy in 2011, please think of the people who love you. Do it for yourself first and foremost, but think of how it will effect your family and loved ones.

2011 is the year for results!!!!

Thank you for reading and no matter what shape and size you are, always love yourself!!!


If you have the urge to eat pasta, grab the whole wheat noodles. Saute some garlic, tomatoe, and other veggies, in olive oil to spread on top. This is a healthy alternative, and will keep you full.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

2011 is the year for results

Hi, and happy 2011. First I want to apologize for my long hiatus. I decided to take a small break from my blog before the new year. Due to personal family reasons the break got extended. Sometimes you just can't control setbacks and have to roll with them.

So, it's a new year, I hope you are all psyched and hopeful for 2011. My mantra for myself and my clients is "2011 is the year for results". Meaning, I am completely dedicated, and determined for all my clients to reach their goals and get the results they came to me in need for. Yes, I'm kicking it up a notch.

As for me, I am 100% positive that 2011 I will reach all of my goals that I set in Nov. If you just started reading, I made my vision and goal board on Nov. 11th, I wanted to be ahead.

2011 is my year for my results, this year love will find me in some form, and my career endeavors will explode........I just know it. So, come, join my mantra, make 2011 the year of your results and make your dreams come true.

Thank you for reading and no matter what shape and size you are, always love yourself!!!


Today, right now, please write down a specific fitness goal you would like to achieve in 2011. Place it somewhere you will see it everyday. At the end of the year, you will be amazed. I know this sounds cheesy but studies have shown this really does work.