Wednesday, February 22, 2012

How much alcohol are you consuming?

Hope everyone had a great three day weekend. My mother was in town so, although I was battling really bad allergies, my weekend was fabulous. Nothing like a good dose of mom to make you feel better. I started working with some new clients recently, when I first take on a client one of the first things we talk about is alcohol consumption.

Over consuming alcohol is the fastest way to weight gain. I could never understand how people would let their diet go when it comes to alcohol. As a single woman, dating in LA, I get it, you go out and meet friends or dates for drinks.....but you don't need to over-consume.

You would be surprised how fast those calories add up. A margarita has roughly 550 calories, a glass of wine about do the math. For the next 7 days keep track of your alcohol consumption to see how many alcoholic calories you are taking in. I reccomend 2-5 drinks max a week.

Thank you for reading and no matter what shape and size you are, always love yourself!!


To avoid over-consuming alcohol, next time you go out bring enough cash to have 2 drinks and leave your credit card at home.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Your cheat meal

Hope everyone had a great weekend.....I had WAY to much fun. Now it's Monday and I personally, have started my week out strong. I get all kinds of questions regarding fitness, lifestyle, nutrition etc. One question that has kept coming up is if I ever eat badly. My answer: every week.

I am a very regimented person, discipline is a part of my every day life. I eat small portions of healthy, clean, food on a daily basis. I do however, give myself 1 cheat meal a week, and I encourage my clients to have one also.

I have to let it be known that a cheat meal is a meal where you eat whatever you want and don't feel guilty. This doesn't mean over eat, and I need to stress that you should NEVER feel so full that you need to unbutton your pants. It's a meal that you love, but just can't eat all the time. My cheat meal usually is Mexican food or pizza.

Knowing that you have 1 cheat meal a week, whether it be at the beginning, middle, or end, will keep you from bingeing. If you mentally know that sometime in the week you get to have your favorite yummy meal, it will help you stay disciplined and on track.

Thank you for reading and no matter what shape and size you are, always love yourself!!!


It's cold and flu season, to avoid getting sick eat at least 3 kiwi's a week. Kiwi's have immune boosting properties in them and are loaded with vitamin c.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Just Get There!

It's Friday, hope everyone has had a wonderful week. I have been extremely busy, which is a good thing. I went out last night in one of the beach cities near Hollywood. It was great to be with good friends and have some fun, however, today I wasn't feeling so well.

It's happened to all of us. You go out, maybe drink a little more than usual, or not get enough sleep, and you feel sluggish the next day. As I was driving to the gym for my workout, I seriously almost turned around. I did not feel like going, was going to take the day off.

I train 6 days a week, and Sunday being the Superbowl (I love football), is going to be my day off. So, I bucked up and got to the gym. Once I was there and started moving my body and listening to music, I got in my groove. I ended up having an EXTREMELY strong workout, and felt amazing after.

When you are tired or not feeling well, and are thinking about skipping your exercise, do whatever it takes to get you there. Once you get to the gym and start moving, you will start feeling better. I PROMISE. I am so glad I made it to the gym today, and so will you.

Thank you for reading and no matter what shape and size you are, always love yourself!!!


Keep a low calorie protein bar in your car, gym bag, purse, desk, etc. If you are in a jam and can't get a meal in, a protein bar will keep you from binging later on. Remember to strive for 5 small meals a day.