Friday, May 28, 2010

Personal Training

Wow, I had a major allergy attack yesterday, wiped me out completely. I'm so glad it's much better today. I would have taken the day off regardless because my body hurt so bad. I'm now incorporating everything I've been studying into my training, it's truly kicking my butt, and I love it!

I've been a gym rat so to speak for over five years. I thought I knew what I was doing.....boy I was wrong. There is something to personal training. If you can afford it, I highly recommend it. It not only gives you faster results and is a motivational tool, it's someone that is getting paid to change your body. It is his or her job, what they specialize in, and what they are trained to do.

Personal training is expensive and now I understand why. I have learned an incredible amount of information, and I'm so excited to keep learning more. There is way more to it than you think. May you all have a safe holiday weekend!

Thank you for reading and no matter what shape or size you are, always love yourself!!!


If you hire a personal trainer be sure to ask which certification they carry. Look it up and know how you are going to be trained. Make sure the fitness professional is current, you can even ask to see the card. You are paying for a service, make sure you know exactly what your getting.