Yesterday was the LA Marathon, I just want to give kudos to everyone who took part in the race. I've never run a marathon, the most miles I've ran at a given time is seven, and that was really pushing myself. So congratulations, I'm very proud of you, it's quite an accomplishment.
Charity work is fabulous. A charity I support is Tag The World, it's a triathlon for children that takes place in Hawaii. My friend, Robert Valletta, is the founder and a really good person. If you read my blog yesterday I wrote that I cycled. I had never been into cycling until I decided to support his charity. I now love cycling, and I have a great event to look forward to........and did I mention help underprivileged children........which is the best part!
There our a lot of people less fortunate than ourselves and I encourage everyone I know to do charity work. I hope you all have a wonderful week, it's Monday, start the week off right and have a fantastic workout!
Thank you for reading and no matter what shape or size you are always love yourself!!!
I realize some people have time consuming days, this tip is for those. Wake up 10 minutes earlier than you should and jump rope. You can do this in your home and you can find a jump rope for under $10 in most stores. If you can give yourself this ten minutes it will give you so much energy. Jump roping burns a lot of calories and will get your heart rate up also. Ten minutes, that's all, YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!