Yesterday evening I took a really great pilates class. My friend, Melissa Darling, teaches at Pilates Plus, (corner of La Cienega and Melrose). I always try and support my friends, her classes are offered Weds. evenings, I was free yesterday evening, so I went. Melissa's class was great and my whole body hurts today! She is so energetic, skilled and kind........ she made the 40 minute class fly by.
After my butt workout this morning I received a message from Kelly and it got me thinking. Kelly is one of my best friends in LA, we are very different, yet really close. She is also into fitness, but in a much different way. Kelly enjoys contact sports. She teaches basketball, lacrosse, and is skilled in martial arts. We also have different body types. She is much taller and bigger boned than me. She's thin but she has this presence of being an incredibly strong woman. She's beautiful inside and out and I am lucky to have her in my life.
I'm not a big contact sport person, not very competitive. As you can read I'm more of a pilates/yoga/aerobics gal. Stop and think for a moment: What's your sport? What kind of person are you? What physical activity do you enjoy? Once you answer these questions, you'll know where to start!!!!!
Thank you for reading and no matter what shape or size you are always love yourself!!!
Add color to your meals. Fruits and veggies rich in color have high nutritional value. Three of my favorites that I eat every day are: Blueberries (blue), Kale (green), and red bell pepper (red). Take a look at your dinner tonight and see if it's colorful, add some if it's lacking!