Today has been an incredibly long day. I got up really early and it was go go go. At around 4pm I was in a really bad mood. I was feeling overwhelmed, tired, missing my family and was grumpy. I went to lay down in my bed ready to cry or scream. I thought what would Jillian Michaels or Anthony Robbins do (2 of my personal heroes)? I immediately got up and put on my gym clothes. Weds. are usually the day I take off from exercise to let my muscles heal, but I knew going to the gym was what I physically and even more mentally needed. As soon as I made that decision and got up and on my feet I started feeling better, then I got to they gym started my butt workout, turned on my ipod and really felt good. I am now in my apartment full of energy, happy and looking at things differently. I'm ready for a great evening. It's amazing how working out can give you that burst of energy/endorphins/mentally clarity that you need. Have a happy St. Patty's day and be safe.
Thank you for reading and no matter what shape or size you are always love yourself!!!
This is more a feel good tip. Wear colors that compliment you and make you feel good. An example of mine is that I look horrible in green. It gives me a yellow skin tone and brings out my dark circles.....I NEVER wear green. Look in the mirror and see what colors and cuts compliment you.....those are the colors and cuts you should wear. When you look good you feel better!